
A browser websocket client library for NATS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wsNats from '';



npm License MIT

A browser websocket client library for NATS


npm install --save ws-nats


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <script src="ws-nats.umd.js"></script>
    var nats = NATS.connect({ url: 'ws://', json: true });

    nats.publish('foo', { message: 'Hello World!' });

Basic Example

// var NATS = window.NATS;
var NATS = require('ws-nats');

var nats = NATS.connect({ url: 'ws://', json: true });

// Simple Publisher
nats.publish('foo', { message: 'Hello World!' });

// Simple Subscriber
nats.subscribe('foo', function(msg) {
  console.log('Received a message: ' + msg);

// "*" matches any token, at any level of the subject.
nats.subscribe('foo.*.baz', function(msg, reply, subject) {
  console.log('Msg received on [' + subject + '] : ' + msg);

nats.subscribe('*', function(msg, reply, subject) {
  console.log('Msg received on [' + subject + '] : ' + msg);

// Using Wildcard Subscriptions

// ">" matches any length of the tail of a subject, and can only be
// the last token E.g. 'foo.>' will match '', '',
// ''
nats.subscribe('foo.>', function(msg, reply, subject) {
  console.log('Msg received on [' + subject + '] : ' + msg);

// Unsubscribing
var sid = nats.subscribe('foo', function(msg) {});

// Request Streams
var sid = nats.request('request', function(response) {
  console.log('Got a response in msg stream: ' + response);

// Request with Auto-Unsubscribe. Will unsubscribe after
// the first response is received via {'max':1}
nats.request('help', {}, {'max':1}, function(response) {
  console.log('Got a response for help: ' + response);

// Request for single response with timeout.
nats.requestOne('help', {}, {}, 1000, function(response) {
  // `NATS` is the library.
  if(response instanceof NATS.NatsError && response.code === NATS.REQ_TIMEOUT) {
    console.log('Request for help timed out.');
  console.log('Got a response for help: ' + response);

// Replies
nats.subscribe('help', function(request, replyTo) {
  nats.publish(replyTo, 'I can help!');

This library is compatible with all the API methods in node-nats


To test ws-nats, you need to connect to a NATS server using a Websocket-to-TCP relay such as nats-relay or ws-tcp-relay.

You can use Docker to run the gnatsd server and the Websockets to TCP relay:

# launch the gnatsd server
docker run -it --name=nats --rm -d -p 4222:4222 -p 8222:8222 nats -D -m 8222

# launch the relay (assumes we are using Linux!)
docker run -it --name=relay --rm -d -p 8080:8080 aaguilar/nats-relay -p 8080 $(hostname -i):4222

# then configure ws-nats to connect to the relay
var nats = NATS.connect({ url: 'ws://', json: true });

Browser support

Tested in the following browsers versions:

  • Google Chrome 53+
  • Firefox 37+
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge 12+
  • Safari 9+
  • Mobile Safari 11+
  • Opera 46+


  • TLS connections to NATS server are not supported because we are using Websocket as transport
  • The nkeys public-key signature system has been disabled from the codebase to reduce bundle size (we plan to port this at a later stage)
  • The size of the library bundle has increased because we are using sockjs-client, we will remove this dependency in future releases.


This library is heavily inspired by websocket-nats and re-uses the sames API methods from the original node-nats library.