WS-RPC-MESSAGING package provides json-rpc 2.0 like way to real-time and bidirectional communication via websocket. I'am trying to keep package simple and lightweight. WS package used in core of current package.
Table of contents
npm install --save ws-rpc-messaging
For working examples and details see examples
Class: Server
Server class is built using WebSocket.Server from ws package. It has the same constructor. Server only wraps incoming connections with rpc client api.
Server proxy all properties and methods to WebSocket.Server
Exclude Server.clients
, returns Set of RPC Clients;
const { Server, NOT_FOUND_ERROR, INTERNAL_ERROR } = require('ws-rpc-messaging');
const fns = {
sum: (...args) => args.reduce((acc, n) => acc + n, 0),
sub: (...args) => args.slice(1).reduce((acc, n) => acc - n, args[0]),
const handleRequest = ({ id, method, params }, origin) => {
if (typeof fns[method] === 'function') {
try {
origin.respond(id, fns[method](...params));
} catch (error) {
origin.throw(id, INTERNAL_ERROR);
} else {
origin.throw(id, NOT_FOUND_ERROR);
const handleConnection = (client) => {
* You can use routing or write any logic you want here...
* Just don't forget to send response or error if !== undefined
client.on('request', handleRequest);
const server = new Server({ port: 3000 });
server.on('connection', handleConnection);
Class: Client
Client class is built using WebSocket from ws package. It has the same constructor.
Client proxy all properties and methods to WebSocket.Server. (exclude rarely used properties, but also available[any_real_prop]
Event (client): 'error'
- error {Error}
- client {Client}, self-link for client
Emitted when can't parse received message
Event (client): 'notify'
- request {Object} json-rpc 2.0 Request object
Emitted when notification message received
Event (client): 'request'
- request {Object} json-rpc 2.0 Request object
- client {Client}, self-link for client
Emitted when request message received
Event (client): 'response'
- request {Object} json-rpc 2.0 Response object
- client {Client}, self-link for client
Emitted when response message received. Result or error messages.
client.notify(method, params)
- method {String} json-rpc 2.0 method
- params {Object} json-rpc 2.0 params
Send notification message to receiver. Receiver emit 'notify' event.
Notification DO NOT expect to have a response!
client.request(method, params, callback)
- method {String} json-rpc 2.0 method
- params {Object} json-rpc 2.0 params
- callback (error, result, origin)
- error: json-rpc 2.0 error or null
- result: json-rpc 2.0 result or undefined
- origin: self-link for client
Send request message to receiver. Receiver emit 'request' event. Callback will be fired with JSON-RPC 2.0 RESPONSE object and null error or with JSON-RPC 2.0 ERROR object.
- messages {Array} of notify
{ method, params }
or request{ method, params, callback }
Send many requests and notifications to receiver. Receiver handle every message independently and send response if callback provided.
client.respond(id, result)
- id {String} json-rpc 2.0 request id, (string, int, null)
- result {Object} json-rpc 2.0 result
Send response message to request sender. Fires callback provided by the Client.request with the same id as in request.
client.throw(id, error)
- id {String} json-rpc 2.0 request id, (string, int, null)
- error {Object} json-rpc 2.0 error
Send error message to request sender. Fires callback provided by the Client.request with the same id as in request.
const { Client } = require('ws-rpc-messaging');
const client = new Client('ws://localhost:3000');
client.on('open', () => {
client.request('sum', [1, 3, 5], (err, res) => {
console.log(err, res);
client.request('sub', [10, 2, 3], (err, res) => {
console.log(err, res);
client.request('multiply', [2, 2, 3], (err, res) => {
console.log(err, res);
For more information check
const { Server, OPEN } = require('ws-rpc-messaging');
const server = new Server({ port: 3000 });
const messages = [];
const handleNotify = ({ method, params }) => {
if (method === 'messages.write') {
/** broadcast new message to all connected clients */
server.clients.forEach((client) => {
if (client.readyState === OPEN) {
client.notify('', params);