ws-socket-stream is a npm package for streaming data between clients and servers. To be precise, one can view ws-socket-stream as an extension of the ws library with the capability of transmitting large files efficiently via Node.js streams. The SocketStreamClient
and SocketStreamServer
classes extend from ws
and ws.Server
, respectively, but with additional streaming functionalities.
npm install ws-socket-stream
API Reference
Class: SocketStreamClient
- extends WebSocket
- socketstreamclient.socketStream()
- Return a Node.js Transform stream instance which is both readable and writable. In uploading cases, this stream reads data from a readable source (such as fs.createReadStream) and writes data to server through the web socket. In downloading cases, this stream receives data from the web socket and should be piped to a writable destination (such as fs.createWriteStream).
Class: SocketStreamServer
- extends WebSocket.Server
- socketstreamserver.socketStream(ws)
: a WebSocket instance representing connection from a client-side web socket process.- Return a Node.js Transform stream instance which is both readable and writable. In uploading cases, this stream reads data from client through the web socket and should be piped to a writable destination (such as fs.createWriteStream). In downloading cases, this stream reads data from a readable source (such as fs.createReadStream) and writes data to client through the web socket.
Usage Examples
- Upload File
- Server Side
const fs = require('fs'); const { SocketStreamServer } = require('ws-socket-stream'); // initialize SocketStreamServer const sss = new SocketStreamServer({ port: 7501, }); // when receiving connection from a client, save stream data to `bar.txt` sss.on('connection', (cws) => { sss.socketStream(cws).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('bar.txt')); });
- Client Side
const fs = require('fs'); const { SocketStreamClient } = require('ws-socket-stream'); // initialize SocketStreamClient const ssc = new SocketStreamClient('http://SERVER_IP:7501/'); // when connection started, send content of `foo.txt` to server ssc.on('open', () => { fs.createReadStream('foo.txt').pipe(ssc.socketStream()); });
- Server Side
- Download File
- Server Side
const fs = require('fs'); const { SocketStreamServer } = require('ws-socket-stream'); // initialize SocketStreamServer const sss = new SocketStreamServer({ port: 7501, }); // when receiving a `DOWNLOAD` message from a client, send content of `foo.txt` to it sss.on('connection', (cws) => { cws.on('message', (message) => { if (message === 'DOWNLOAD') { fs.createReadStream('foo.txt').pipe(sss.socketStream(cws)); } }); });
- Client Side
const fs = require('fs'); const { SocketStreamClient } = require('ws-socket-stream'); // initialize SocketStreamClient const ssc = new SocketStreamClient('http://SERVER_IP:7501/'); // when connection started, send downloading prompt and pipe content to `bar.txt` ssc.on('open', () => { ssc.send('DOWNLOAD'); ssc.socketStream().pipe(fs.createWriteStream('bar.txt')); });
- Server Side