
WS-Federation and WS-Trust integration with AD FS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wsStar from '';


Web Service - * / WS-*

Node.JS Module to Generate WS-Federation and WS-Trust tokens.


npm install ws-star

A relying party trust must also be configured in your (ADFS) IDP to support the audience / scope.



var wsfed = require('ws-star').wsfed;

var SigningCert = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, config.federation.certs.tokensigningcert));
var SigningKey = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, config.federation.certs.tokensigningkey));

var idp_WA = 'signin1.0'
var idp_WTRealm = 'urn:sharepoint:f5lab'
var idp_WCTX = ''
var idp_Issuer = 'https://localhost'

var options = {};

var wsfed_options = {
  wsaAddress: idp_WTRealm,
  cert: SigningCert,
  key: SigningKey,
  issuer: idp_Issuer,
  lifetimeInSeconds: 1800,
  audiences: idp_WTRealm,
  attributes: {
    '': AttrUserName,
    '': AttrUserPrincipal,
    '': AttrUserRole,
    '': AttrDisplayname,
    '': AttrUserSID

var signedAssertion = wsfed.create(wsfed_options)


WS-Trust has two functions, CreateRST() and CreateRSTR(). To integrate with another IDP you can use the RST to generate your RST, and to eliminate integration CreatRSTR().

var wsfed = require('ws-star').wstrust;

var options = {};

var wstrust_options = {
  endpoint: '',
  username: '',
  password: 'pass@word1',
  scope: 'urn:ws-trust:app'

var rstr = wstrust.createrstr(wstrust_options)


npm test

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section.

Release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial release


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.