WebSocket message broker using native WebSocket implementation and a lightweight full-JSON encoded protocol scheme
Client API
var WSMsgBroker = require('wsmsgbroker');
// assuming you have a WSMsgBroker.Server running at ws://localhost:9042/foo
var client0 = new WSMsgBroker('client0', 'localhost', 9042, 'foo');
var client1 = new WSMsgBroker('client1', 'localhost', 9042, 'foo');
client1.on('registered', function () {
client1.on('message', function (msg, response) {
console.log('client1 received > '+msg);
response.send('Hi to you too, sir.');
client0.send('Hi there', 'client1', function (from, answer) {
console.log('client0 received an answer from '+from+' > '+answer);
// but you can also send messages without callback
// resulting in "response" to be null for the receiver :)
client0.send({complex: 'thing'}, 'client1');
Client.send(msg, dest, callback)
msg: {Mixed} The thing you want to send (/!\ it HAS TO be serializable by JSON.stringify(...))
dest: {String|Array} Your message receiver(s) (determined by the id
used at the creation of the client)
callback: [optional] {Function} if set, it will allow a receiver to answer (fastest wins)
clients -> server
Clients can initiate 4 actions with the servers:
- register
- unregister
- send
- answer
server -> clients
Servers can answer with 4 actions to the clients:
- answer
- message
- registered
- unregistered
WSMsgBroker expects JSON-encoded strings to be send accross the network
Below is the list of JSON-encoded clients -> server actions
- register a client on the server
a unique ID that identifies this client on the server
"action": "register",
"id": <AN_ID>
- unregister a client from a server
"action": "unregister"
- send a message to one (or more clients)
must be a string or an array of strings
"action": "send",
"dest": [ <AN_ID>, <ANOTHER_ID> ],
"message": <A_MSG>
- send an answer to a received message
"action": "answer",
"message": <A_MSG>
Below is the list of JSON-encoded server -> clients actions
- this client received a message
"action": "message",
"message": <A_MSG>,
"from": <SENDER_ID>
- received when someone answered to a message
"action": "answer",
"message": <A_MSG>,
- received when the server has successfully registered this client
"action": "registered",
"id": <AN_ID>
- received when the server has successfully unregistered this client
"action": "unregistered",
"id": <AN_ID>