
Easy scraping and auth for JSON/XML web services. Based on node-scraper so it does web page scraping using jQuery too.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wsscraper from '';



A little module that makes scraping and performing auth with JSON/XML web services a little easier. If no JSON/XML web service is available then it can scrape ordinary webpages using JQuery. Uses node.js, xml2js and jQuery.

node-wsscraper is being developed as a future component of the OJAX++ project.

This is a fork of node-scraper by mape, if you just want webpage scraping then check out his project instead.


Via npm:

$ npm install wsscraper


  • Add nice wrapper for doing OAuth.
  • Provide the option of using expat for those who require crazy-fast XML parsing.
  • Add more examples and clean up readme.


Simple JSON

First argument is a url as a string, second is the response format, third is a callback which exposes error information, the JSON object and info about the url.

var scraper = require('wsscraper');

scraper('', 'json', function(err, json_object, urlInfo) {
    if (err) {throw err;}
    for (var i=0; i < json_object.results.length; i++) {

Simple XML

JSON is the preferred response format. When JSON isn't available wsscraper can also parse XML responses and convert them to JSON objects using xml2js. Simply specify 'xml' as the expected response format.

var scraper = require('wsscraper');

scraper('', 'xml', function(err, json_object, urlInfo) {
    if (err) {throw err;}
    for (var i=0; i < json_object.entry.length; i++) {

Simple HTML

And if no web service API is available then we can use JQuery to scrape the webpage. Simply specify 'html' as the expected response format. Note: This uses jsdom and JQuery so it's pretty slow.

var scraper = require('wsscraper');

scraper('', 'html', function(err, $, urlInfo) {
    if (err) {throw err;}
    $('.msg').each(function() {


First argument is an object containing settings for the "request" instance used internally, second is a callback which exposes a jQuery object with your scraped site as "body" and third is an object from the request containing info about the url.

var scraper = require('scraper');
       'uri': ''
           , 'headers': {
               'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)'
    , 'html'
    , function(err, $) {
        if (err) {throw err}

        $('.msg').each(function() {


First argument is an array containing either strings or objects, second is a callback which exposes a jQuery object with your scraped site as "body" and third is an object from the request containing info about the url.

You can also add rate limiting to the fetcher by adding an options object as the third argument containing 'reqPerSec': float.

var scraper = require('scraper');
        , ''
        , {
            'uri': ''
            , 'headers': {
                'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)'
        , ''
    , 'html'
    , function(err, $, urlInfo) {
        if (err) {throw err;}

        console.log('Messages from: '+urlInfo.href);
        $('.msg').each(function() {
    , {
        'reqPerSec': 0.2 // Wait 5sec between each external request


First (required)

Contains the info about what page/pages will be scraped




request object

   'uri': ''
       , 'headers': {
           'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)'


Array (if you want to do fetches on multiple URLs)

    , urlString
    , requestObject
    , urlString

Second (optional)

The expected response format, defaults to 'html' if not specified.


or 'xml' // Runs XML through xml2js and passes a JSON object to the callback or 'html' // Creates a DOM for HTML page and passes a JQuerified body to the callback

Third (optional)

The callback that allows you do use the data retrieved from the fetch.

function(err, $, urlInfo) {
    if (err) {throw err;}
    /* Showing the data within urlInfo: 
    { href: '',
      protocol: 'http:',
      slashes: true,
      host: '',
      hostname: '',
      search: '?q=javascript',
      query: 'q=javascript',
      pathname: '/search',
      port: 80 }

    console.log('Messages from: '+urlInfo.href);
    $('.msg').each(function() {

Fourth (optional)

This argument is an object containing settings for the fetcher overall.

  • reqPerSec: float; (allows you to throttle your fetches so you don't hammer the server you are scraping)

Depends on