Documentation and Examples
Changelog: what's new?
-> 1.7.0
are deprecated because Wealthsimple enabled Cloudflare for all endpoints. Upgrade to 1.7.1 or later.
⚠️⚠️ Versions wstrade-api
A tiny Unofficial Wealthsimple Trade API Wrapper for JavaScript, supporting the core abilities of the Wealthsimple Trade application including placing orders, viewing and cancelling orders, and more.
- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This is an unofficial Wealthsimple Trade API Wrapper.
- DO NOT LEVERAGE THIS IN ATTEMPT TO DISRUPT ORDERLY MARKET FUNCTIONS. This package is provided to you so you can build cool shit with it, but you should understand that you have a responsibility to not engage in illegal trading behaviours that can disrupt orderly market functions.
Server-Side Limitation
This wrapper will not work when executed on the client-side due to the underlying CORS security limitation imposed by the Wealthsimple Trade endpoints. If you wish to build a front-end application, you will have to design an architecture where the server does all of the API calls.
Getting Started
Before playing with wstrade-api, you must have a valid Wealthsimple Trade account to authenticate against. If you have not signed up for Wealthsimple Trade, you may download the iOS application here or the android application here.
You just need node.js — and npm, obviously.
The dependency list is tiny — node-fetch, source-map-support, and cloudscraper. They will be automatically installed when you install wstrade-api
through npm
Install wstrade-api from the npm registry
npm i wstrade-api
You could also clone the GitHub repository
git clone
- Read the contributing document here.
- After that, Feel free to fork the GitHub repository, make any changes, and contribute by setting up a pull request.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Ahmed Sakr - Owner - @ahmedsakr
- Mitchell Sawatzky - Contributor - @bufutda
- Dominic Gregoire - Contributor - @dgregoire
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
A huge thanks to the contributors of this repository for providing an elegant API documentation.