Web stress script for web testing with snapshot comparison.
Installing / Getting started
To install the package execute:
npm install -g wstress
After installation, tou will have access to the wstress binary in your command line. You can check help with this command:
wstress --help
Built With
The following software must be installed
- Node >= v8
- Git - optional
Folder structure
- root: Contains the, the main configuration to execute the project such as package.json or any other configuration files.
- bin: Contains the application run script.
- src: Contains the source code for application script.
- node_modules: Contains third party JS libraries used in this project
Setting up Dev
Download the code
git clone
cd pika-web-stress-test
Install dependencies
npm install
Run application help for usage.
npm start --help
Run application tests.
npm test
Pika commands
All previous command can be executed using pika script
Usage: pika [command]
where [command] is one of:
run - execute application. Use --help argument to see command help.
test - execute application tests.
format - auto format project code using prettier.
publish - do login and publish package.