
Simple, standard and opinionated workflow for Webtask CLI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wtCliWorkflow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wt-cli-workflow';


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Simple, standard and opinionated workflow for Webtask CLI

Why Webtask

A basic CLI that helps working with Webtask CLI Webtask is a general purpose Function as a Service (or serverless) provider. Simple NodeJS functions can become a task executed on a remote server almost instantly and has a public accessible URL. That's a Webtask

Why an addional CLI

Webtask comes with a convenient CLI that already offer all basic commands. As always, it get useful to have some basic best practices and standard workflows to deal with frameworks and service providers.

wt-cli-workflow deals with

  1. providing easy to use CLI commands to create and run webtasks based on some conventions
  2. define a set standard run mode and make it easy to work with them: local, development, test, stage, production
  3. make it easy to setup a continuous testing, integration and deliver environment based on Webtask (TBD)


  • Use .env to store keys, credentials and various secrets
  • stage is used as prefix in .env file (eg: test.env, prod.env)
  • stage is used suffix in deploying the webtask (eg: myfile-test, myfile-prod)
  • task name is the file name without the '.js' extension


Obviously, Webtask is required. Webtask needs an account (is provided as a service) and a cli installed with npm. This instructions are straightforward and will take 1 minute.


TBD: complete npm package and deploy to npmjs

Setup Development environment

Checkout the code, then

npm install
npm link

This will create a symboli link under user home, something like

~/.nvm/versions/node/{NODE_VERSION}/lib/node_modules/wt-cli-workflow -> ~/{project folder}/wt-cli-workflow

Now create a symbolic link to use the CLI globally. In Ubuntu I recommend:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/wtw wtw ~/.nvm/versions/node/{NODE_VERSION}/lib/node_modules/wt-cli-workflow/src/cli.js 1

Change {NODE_VERSION} with your installed version of node

Now from anywhere:

$ wtw --help

Usage: wtw [options] [command]

Webtask Workflow CLI


  -V, --version              output the version number
  -h, --help                 output usage information


  create <filepath> [stage]  create a new webtask (will override an exiting one that has the same name)
  run <taskname> [stage]     run a webtask


Using generator is simple to create a basic Webtask function and then create and run it with the Webtask Workflow CLI that we just installed

npm install --global generate-webtask
gen webtask:context
touch .env
wtw create index.js
wtw run index.js