
In the terminal, navigate to the directory of the React web app you are creating

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wtFrontend from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wt-frontend';


Set Up

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the directory of the React web app you are creating

  2. Then type npm install wt-frontend

  3. Make sure you have the peer dependencies installed. If you don’t have these packages installed already, do the following: npm install sass and/or npm install react-router-dom

  4. Change your .css files to .scss and put the following code at the top of the .scss file:

@use 'node_modules/wt-frontend/build/global/wolfie';

@use 'node_modules/wt-frontend/build/global/components';

Note: If you want to look at our example pages, copy in our entire directory. Open the example pages by navigating to our directory, running npm install in the terminal, then npm start.

npm Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/wt-frontend

Documentation: https://wolfie-tools-frontend.github.io/#/

Documentation for developers on the team (private): https://tinyurl.com/wt-frontend-docs

Email: wolfietools.frontend@gmail.com