
wtc-tween provides a way to create simple tweens without the need for a massive library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wtcTween from '';


WTC Tween

wtc-tween provides a way to create simple tweens without the need for a massive library.

Install with npm

npm i wtc-tween


tween(from: Number|Array[Numbers], to: Number|Array[Numbers], callback: Function, options: Object);

from: Number or Array[Numbers]
If passing an array of numbers, make sure that from and to have the same order and length.

to: Number or Array[Numbers]

callback: Function
Receives the Number|Array[Numbers] current value.

options: Object
options.duration: Number - default 1000
The duration in miliseconds for the tween.

options.timingFunction: Function - default easings.linear
The timing function to be used by the tween.

options.onComplete: Function - default null
A function to be called after completion of the tween.



import tween from "wtc-tween";

tween(0, 1, (value) => {
  // Do stuff with value

Array of values

import tween from "wtc-tween";

tween([0, 50, 2100], [1, 200, 1000], (value) => {
  for (let val of value) {
    // Do stuff with value

Cancel tween

const mytween = tween(0,1);
// whenever you need to cancel

With options

import tween, { easing } from "wtc-tween";

  (value) => {
    // Do stuff with value
    duration: 400,
    timingFunction: easing.sineOut,


This library also comes with some basic easing functions included but feel free to use other easing libraries like easing-functions.

Included easings

  • linear
  • sineIn
  • sineOut

ES5 and browsers

You can also use this in the browser but you will still need node and npm to compile this project.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd into the directory
  3. Install deps with npm i
  4. Build the lib with npm run build

The files will be compiled to the dist/ folder.

Older browsers (no module)

For older browsers use the file dist/wtc-tween.umd.js

<script src="./wtc-tween.umd.js"></script>
  const tween = window.wtcTween["default"];
  const easing = window.wtcTween["easing"];
    function (val) {
      // Do stuff
    { timingFunction: easing.sineOut }

Newer browsers (module)

If targetting browsers that support modules, use dist/wtc-tween.modern.js:

<script type="module">
  import tween, { easing } from "./wtc-tween.modern.js";

  tween(0, 1, function (val) {
    // Do stuff