
Find out what the function you need

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wtf from '';



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Find out what the function you need


npm install wtf


Sync search

Synchronous search is simple, fast and the only one supporting preloaded modules. Downside is that if it hangs - your thread will too.

const lodash = require('lodash')
const wtf = require('wtf')

const print = ({ result, display }) => console.log(`${result} ≈ ${display}`)

wtf.sync({ lodash },
  ['apple', 'p'], true,
  ['apple', 'x'], false

Web worker

Not implemented yet

const wtf = require('wtf')

const print = ({ result, display }) => display && console.log(`${result} ≈ ${display}`)

  ['apple', 'p'], true,
  ['apple', 'x'], false


Prints results to the console.

const lodash = require('lodash')
const wtf = require('wtf')

wtf({ lodash },
  ['apple', 'p'], true,
  ['apple', 'x'], false


You can pass snippets as an array of elements of form { func, display }. func is a functions to check. display is a function that generates display string.

Snippet for addition can be defined this way:

const snippets = [ { func: (a, b) => a + b, display: (a, b) => `${a} + ${b}` } ]
wtf({ snippets }, [ 2, 3 ], 5)
// 5 ≈ 2 + 3

Search in built-in global objects

Object, Array, Date, String and RegExp are handled little differently when passed as module to look in. Their prototypes are inspected and found functions are added to the search. It means that besides obvious

wtf({ Array }, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])
// [1, 2, 3] ≈ Array.of(1, 2, 3) will be able to do:

wtf({ Array }, [ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] ], 3)
// 3 ≈ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ].length
// 3 ≈ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ].push()
// 3 ≈ [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ].unshift()

Function testers

You can optionally send functions as the expected results to test the results.

const lodash = require('lodash')
const wtf = require('wtf')

wtf({ lodash },
  [10, 20], x => x > 25

Curried functions or closures

Results can be functions that will receive the result and return whether it equals. This is helpful for libraries like ramda that returns a function that satisfies something you'd like to test.

const ramda = require('ramda')
const wtf = require('wtf')

wtf({ ramda },
  [a => a * 2, a => a + 1], fn => typeof fn === 'function' && fn(2) === 6
) // will print `ramda.compose`


MIT © Vladimir Danchenkov