
= wui.svelte

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wuiSvelte from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wui.svelte';


= wui.svelte

A collection of Web User Interface (WUI) build with https://svelte.dev[Svelte].

List of components,

  • WuiInputIPPort: an input component for "address:port" value.

  • WuiInputNumber: an input component for number, with options to set maximum and minimum value, and a suffix.

  • WuiLabelHint: a label component with clickable hint that show input information. This component can wrap other components.

  • WuiNotif: a component to show notification

  • WuiPushNotif: a function to push notification to be displayed by WuiNotif.