
Generic button using React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wupjsGlyphButton from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wupjs-glyph-button';



Generic button using React



A glyph button is a purely representational React component. It has as text a single symbol character. By default, we use Bootstrap 4 and Font Awesome classes to theme the component. But these settings can be overridden.

import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import {GlyphButton} from 'wupjs-glyph-button';

    onClick={() => {
      console.log('click save');
</div>, document.getElementById('app'));

Required properties


By default, glyph is the name of a character as defined by Font Awesome. You could use it in combination with property glyphBaseClass to use a totally different character set, but that may be a lot of work. See Overriding GlyphButton defaults.


onClick property must be a function which will be called whenever the button is clicked. As the component is purely representational, the function knows nothing of its state or props. Therefore it must be bound upstream by the parent of the component.

Theming GlyphButton

There are two props provided to help theme the component: buttonAddClass and glyphAddClass. The first one helps with the placement, sizing, etc. of the underlying button HTML tag. The second one helps theme the symbol within the button. But they come on top of the Bootstrap and Font Awesome defaults. See below to override them.

Overriding GlyphButton defaults

To override Bootstrap classes, use property buttonBaseClass.

To change the fonts, you have to use glyphBaseClass. By default, the classes used to theme them are formed by concatenating the string "fa fa-" with the value of the glyph prop. This works well with the CSS of Font Awesome. Now you can use your own CSS and own naming scheme.

.my-question-mark::before {
  content: '?';
.my-ellipsis::before {
  content: '...';
import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import {GlyphButton} from 'wupjs-glyph-button';

  <h5>Themed GlyphButtons</h5>
    onClick={() => {
      console.log('click ?');
    onClick={() => {
      console.log('click ...');
</div>, document.getElementById('app'));


This React component helps deal with several buttons in association, that is they should be displayed together and share a common theme.

import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import GlyphButtonGroup from './glyph-button-group';

    glyphs={['pencil', 'trash-o', 'save']}
      'pencil': () => {
        console.log('pencil button clicked');
      'trash-o': () => {
        console.log('trash-o button clicked');
      'save': () =>{
        console.log('save button clicked');
</div>, document.getElementById('app'));

GlyphButtonGroup has the same properties as GlyphButton, but with the plural mark (s appended, yielding glyphs, onClicks, buttonBaseClasses, buttonAddClasses, glyphBaseClasses, glyphAddClasses).

glyphs is an array of strings, the five others are objects mapping to the strings in glyphs.

Moreover two props are provided to theme the group itself: buttonGroupBaseClass and buttonGroupAddClass.


wupjs-glyph-button is MIT licensed.

© 2017 Jason Lenoble