
Generic input[type="text"] using React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wupjsGlyphInputText from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wupjs-glyph-input-text';



Generic input[type="text"] using React



A glyph input text is a purely representational React component. It consists of a text input node and a submit button which has as text a single symbol character. By default, we use Bootstrap 4 and Font Awesome classes to theme the component. But these settings can be overridden.

import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import GlyphInputText from './glyph-input-text';

    onSubmit={e => {
</div>, document.getElementById('app'));

Required properties


By default, glyph is the name of a character as defined by Font Awesome. You may use it in combination with property glyphBaseClass to use a totally different character set. See Overriding GlyphInputText defaults.


onSubmit property must be a function which will be called whenever the input box content is submitted. As shown in the Usage example, it takes as input a 'submit' event. Internally, its preventDefault is called so that the component never provokes a page reload. Moreover the event is not exactly the event that is automatically generated on submit (which is related to the wrapping form) but a mixin of that event with {target: inputNode}, so that you can access the underlying data by using e.target.value.

Theming GlyphInputText

There are 5 props provided to help theme the component:

  • groupAddClass: To theme the outtermost wrapper
  • groupButtonAddClass: To theme the button group
  • inputAddClass: To theme the input element
  • buttonAddClass: To theme the button element
  • glyphAddClass: To theme the symbol within the button.

But all come on top of the Bootstrap and Font Awesome defaults. See below to override them.

Overriding GlyphInputText defaults

There are 5 props provided to override the theming of the component:

  • groupBaseClass: Overrides Bootstrap4 for the outtermost wrapper
  • groupButtonBaseClass: Overrides Bootstrap4 for the button group
  • inputBaseClass: Overrides Bootstrap4 for the input element
  • buttonBaseClass: Overrides Bootstrap4 for the button element
  • glyphBaseClass: Overrides FontAwesome for the symbol within the button.

Special props

  • placeholder: Placeholder text within the underlying text input
  • autoFocus: Have the underlying input autofocus
  • autoClear: Have the underlying input autoclear on submit
  • inhibitBlurOnSubmit: As it says: Submitting always blurs first if not inhibited and this is probably unwanted behavior if bluring somehow destroys/detaches the widget
  • defaultValue: Initial value to appear in the text input (not a placeholder, but an actual value that will be submitted by default)
  • onFocus: A function called when the underlying input gets focus
  • onBlur: A function called when the underlying input loses focus


wupjs-glyph-input-text is MIT licensed.

© 2017 Jason Lenoble