
Components to easily integrate the Wurd CMS into your React app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wurdReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wurd-react';


React components for the Wurd CMS

Wurd is a service that lets you integrate a CMS into any website or app in minutes. This module provides components for integrating content and inline editing into your React app as easily as possible.


import wurd from 'wurd-react';

wurd.connect('my-app', {
  editMode: true

  .then(content => {
    //Access content via getters
    document.title = content.text('homepage.title');

    //Use blocks for accessing subsections of content
    const page = content.block('homepage');

        <h1><content.Text id="shared.company" /></h1>

        <h2><page.Text id="title" /></h2>

        <page.Image id="hero.image" width="300" />
        <page.Text id="hero.title" />

See more in the examples folder or run them with npm run example.


Using NPM:

npm install wurd-react


  1. Create a Wurd account and app
  2. Connect to a Wurd app with wurd.connect('appName', {editMode: true})
  3. Load top level 'sections' of content you'll be using with wurd.load('section')
  4. In your views/templates etc., use the provided components to integrate content and editing functionality: <WurdText id="section.title"/>



Creates an editable text region.

WurdText example

  id="title",             // Required
  type="h1",              // Defaults to `span` 
  vars={{name: 'John'}},  // Replaces mustache style tokens (e.g. `{{name}}`) with the given data
  // Other standard props (className, style etc.) can be passed too


Creates an editable image (<img>).

WurdImage example

  id="hero.image",     //Required
  // Other standard props (className, style etc.) can be passed too


Creates an editable text region that displays formatted Markdown.

NOTE: This uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML, read up on it here.

WurdMarkdown example

  id="home.intro",        // Required
  type="div",             // Defaults to `div`
  vars={{name: 'John'}},  // Replaces mustache style tokens (e.g. `{{name}}`) with the given data
  // Other standard props (className, style etc.) can be passed too


Creates an editable list of content. The children passed will represent an item in the list.

  id="team.members"       //Required
  keys="name"             //At least 1 property of the list item
  {item => 
    <li key={item.id()}>
      <item.Image id="pic" width="50" />
      <item.Text id="name" />


Allows editing a section of content, (like the properties of an object).

This editor is useful for:

  • Off-page content such as metadata
  • The content of complex page elements such as dropdowns, modals and popovers
  • Editing many properties at once
  keys="title,description" // Required; will define with items can be edited
  type="span"              // Defaults to `div`
  // Other standard props (className, style etc.) can be passed too