
Uploads compiled assets to s3 during webpack build

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wwWebpackS3Uploader from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ww-webpack-s3-uploader';


S3 Uploader for Webpack

Build Status

This will upload all compiled assets to AWS S3 bucket during a webpack build process. You can serve all your files via Cloud Front or different CDN.


$ npm i -S webpack-s3-uploader

How to use it

First set environmental variables:


Essential webpack configuration

// require plugin 
var S3Uploader = require('webpack-s3-uploader')

const config = {
  context: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'),

  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../build/public/assets'),
    publicPath: 'your_cdn_url',

  plugins: [
    new S3Uploader({
      s3Options: {
        accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
        region: 'us-west-1',
        sessionToken: 'asdsaad' // the optional AWS session token to sign requests with
      s3UploadOptions: {
        Bucket: 'MyBucket'
  // ..other configuration

It is required to set:

  • output.path is a path, where all assets will be compiled and those will be uploaded. You can use exclude and include option.
  • output.publicPath it is a path, where all compiled assets will be referenced to. During a compilation process webpack replaces local path with this one. If you have Cloud Front pointed to your S3 bucket, you should put url here.


  • exclude: A Pattern to match for excluded content (e.g. /.*\.(css|js)/). Behaves similarly to webpack's loader configuration.
  • include: A Pattern to match for included content. Behaves the same as the exclude.
  • s3Options: Provide keys for upload extention of s3Config
  • s3UploadOptions: Provide upload options putObject
  • basePath: Provide the namespace where upload files on S3
  • progress: Enable progress bar (defaults true)
  • additionalFiles: List of additional files for upload:
new S3Uploader({
  // ...
  additionalFiles: [
      // full path to file
      path: '/usr/home/my-repo/static/icons/icon.svg',
      // s3 file url
      name: 'icons/icon.svg',
Advanced include and exclude rules

include and exclude rules behave similarly to Webpack's loader options. In addition to a RegExp you can pass a function which will be called with the path as its first argument. Returning a truthy value will match the rule. You can also pass an Array of rules, all of which must pass for the file to be included or excluded.

Pathing for resources outside of output.path

Resources that are located outside of the webpack output.path directory are pathed as follows

output.path = /myproject/build/dist/bundle
const ASSET_OUTPUT_PATH =/myproject/build/assets


const ASSET_OUTPUT_PATH =../assets


rules [
  use: [
      loader: 'file-loader',
      options: {
        outputPath: ASSET_OUTPUT_PATH

The above configuration will output to the local file system as follows

----- dest
       ---- bundle.js
----- assets
       ---- myasset.png

and will be pathed in S3 as follows

---- bundle.js
---- assets
      ---- myasset.png

This is a lite and refactored version of s3-plugin-webpack