
Puts Geogebra in WeBWork problems

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wwGgbApplet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ww_ggb_applet';



Puts Geogebra in WeBWork problems


  • Full, unrestricted use of Geogebra Api
  • Supports multiple Geogebra instances per problem/page
  • Helps pass answers invisibly back to answer checkers


Add this to your PG problem's setup section:

HEADER_TEXT('<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.geogebra.org/apps/deployggb.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ww_ggb_applet/lib/ww_ggb_applet.js"></script>');

(Note: This step is not necessary if your problem will run only in Edfinity, which preloads these libraries.)

Continuing in the setup section, start with this example code:

<div id="applet1" class="ww-ggb"></div>

  var onUpdate = function(obj) {
    // called when any applet variable changes

  var onLoad = function(applet) {
    // called once on load
    applet.evalCommand("L = Line[A, B]");
  encodedApp = "Your encoded app here";
  new WwGgbApplet('applet1', {width: 400, height: 400, ggbBase64: encodedApp, appletOnLoad: onLoad, appletOnUpdate: onUpdate, hideAnswers: true}); 

Pass the id of the <div> tag you create to the constructor. You can pass any Geogebra initialization variables as the second argument as well as

  • appletOnUpdate: a function called when Geogebra variables update, and
  • hideAnswers: hides all student answer blanks

Applet Methods

Within the load and update callbacks, the ww_ggb_applet object (or bridge object) is available as this. The geogebra applet object is available as this.applet.

The bridge object provides these methods:

  • setAnswer(answerId: string, value: string) For a webwork answer id (such as 'AnSwEr0001'), set a value. Usually this value comes from Geogebra via evalCommand.
  • getAnswer(answerId: string) Get a student answer, usually to re-insert into Geogebra with evalCommand.
  • setCoordinateAnswer(answerId: string, keys: Array, answerKey: string) A convenience method to set an answer from a set of coordinate keys, in the form "key1=(x,y);key2=(x,y);..."
  • setCoordinates(answerId: string, default: object) Take a coordinate value from answerId and insert into the Geogebra applet. The default also provides the object names in the form {key1: '(x,y)', key2: '(x,y)'}