
Collection of cross-platform routines to operate web URIs ( URLs ) in the reliable and consistent way. Module WebUri extends Uri module to handle host and port parts of URI in a way appropriate for world wide web resources. This module leverages parsing,

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wweburibasic from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wweburibasic';


module::WebUriBasic status experimental

Collection of cross-platform routines to operate web URIs ( URLs ) in the reliable and consistent way. Module WebUri extends Uri module to handle host and port parts of URI in a way appropriate for world wide web resources. This module leverages parsing, joining, extracting, normalizing, nativizing, resolving paths. Use the module to get uniform experience from playing with paths on different platforms.

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wWebUriBasic
cd wWebUriBasic
will .npm.install
node sample/trivial/Sample.s

Make sure you have utility willbe installed. To install willbe: npm i -g willbe@stable. Willbe is required to build of the module.

To add to your project

npm add 'wweburibasic@stable'

Willbe is not required to use the module in your project as submodule.