

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wwtcSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wwtc-sdk';


Table of Contents

Getting Started

This SDK provides the components to develop each version of WWTC stack.

npm install --save wwtc-sdk

The library is developed with React.js (> v.0.16), include React Hooks and some Class Component.

IMPORTANT: Must add stylesheet at the top of the main file. If you would like to override some styles, you have to add the .css files after the main styles of the library.

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

import { Subtitles, Chat, MainWrapper } from 'wwtc-sdk';
import 'wwtc-sdk/dist/index.css';

// override styles
import 'css/override.css'

const endpointSession = {
    method: 'GET',
    url: 'https://api.worldwidetechconnections.com/api/Session',

const endpointTranslate = {
    method: 'GET',
    valueResponse: 'targetText', // Value name that have the text translated in the API endpoint response

// You can set static token to don't make API request /Session
// NOTE: set token undefined if the endpoint must request authorization token
const vendors = {
    ttt: [
            vendor: "VENDOR_NAME",
            apiKey: "VENDOR_API_KEY",
            token: "static token" || undefined
    stt: [
            vendor: "VENDOR_NAME",
            apiKey: "VENDOR_API_KEY",
            token: "static token" || undefined
    tts: [
            vendor: "VENDOR_NAME",
            apiKey: "VENDOR_API_KEY",
            token: "static token" || undefined

function App() {
    return (
                <WrapperComponents />

function WrapperComponents(props) {
    // values from autologin
    const { initName, initLanguage, initGender } = props;

    return (
                username="John Doe"
                    width: '98%',
                    height: 'calc(65% - 1em)',
                    margin: '1em auto',
                username="John Doe"
                    width: '98%',
                    height: 'calc(65% - 1em)',
                    margin: '1em auto',


export default App;

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.


This project setup supports ES6 modules thanks to Babel.
While you can still use require() and module.exports, we encourage you to use import and export instead.


Main component that wrap the initial setup of the interface. Set providers list, API endpoint (/Session) to get tokens of providers, handle values to test offline/online interface.


name type required default detail
autologin bool false true Get Username, roomName, language and gender from URL (autologin = true) or from MainWrapper props (auu
debugInterface bool false false Allow test only UI or components logic without calling API endpoint /Session
endpointSession object false { method: "", url: ""} API endpoint to get tokens from api_key given
gender string true "male" User gender to play TTS
language string true "" Code of language. e.g. en-US
roomName string true "" Name of channel/conference to connect users
userName string true "" Name of user
vendors object false { ttt: [], stt: [], tts: [] } List of providers api_keys. See object below.
// vendors/provider list
// VENDOR_NAME i.e. "google", "microsoft", "yandex", etc.

const vendors = {
    ttt: [
            vendor: "VENDOR_NAME",
            apiKey: "VENDOR_API_KEY",
            token: "STATIC_TOKEN" || null
    stt: [
            vendor: "VENDOR_NAME",
            apiKey: "VENDOR_API_KEY",
            token: "STATIC_TOKEN" || null
    tts: [
            vendor: "VENDOR_NAME",
            apiKey: "VENDOR_API_KEY",
            token: "STATIC_TOKEN" || null


This component include:

  • SubtitlesUI
  • buildMessageSubtitle
import { Subtitles } from 'wwtc-sdk';

// Must set params with ":" at start. This allows handling dynamic request params
const endpointTranslate = {
    method: 'GET',
    valueResponse: 'translated_text', // Value name that have the text translated in the API endpoint response_

function WrapperComponents() {
    return (
            username="John Doe"

export default WrapperComponents;


Subtitles component accept following props. Instructions on how to use them are below.

name type required default detail example
username string true "" Subtitle text sender. John Doe
initialSourceLanguage string true "" Code of source language. en, es, fr
initialTargetLanguage string true "" Code of target language es, fr, en
initialVisible bool false true Show/hide visual component true
provider string true "" Third party services that handles p2p communication "pubnub"
style object false {} Set custom styles to wrapper of Subtitles component, used to set width and/or height of wrapper. { width: 300px, height: 500px}
showInput bool false true Show/hide input text true, false
showButtonCloseComponent bool false true Show/hide (X) to close Subtitles component. Useful when Subtitles is the only component in the interface. true, false
showSourceLanguageSelect bool false true Show/hide Source language select
showTargetLanguageSelect bool false true Show/hide Target language select
endpoint object true {} Endpoint to request translation language { method: 'GET', url: 'https://core.worldwidetechconnections.com/services/ttt/:sourceLanguage/:targetLanguage?text=:text' };
speechRecognition bool false false Allows get speech recognition. Text recognized will be shown in the chat component true, false
ttsOption bool false false Allows play resulted audio from /TextToSpeech endpoint true, false
postRequestSubtitles function false () Handle the text, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage and vendor after API response See example below
render function false () Useful to add functions to the Options Header of the Component. i.e.: Download content button https://reactjs.org/docs/render-props.html
languagesPreTranslate array false null Useful to fetch translations before send pubnub message with text translated ["spanish_united_states", "french-france"]
defaultBilingual bool false false Enable/Disable bilingual option by default ["spanish_united_states", "french-france"]
// i.e. preRequestSubtitles()

function WrapperComponents() {
    const preRequestSubtitles = async (text, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage, vendor) => {
        var newText = null;
        if (sourceLanguage === 'english-united-states' && targetLanguage === 'french') {
            newText = text.replace('someWordToDelete', '');
        } else {
            newText = text;

        // Must return the same object structure
        return {
            text: newText,
    return <Subtitles.SubtitlesUI {...props} preRequestSubtitles={preRequestSubtitles} />;


This component include:

  • ChatUI
  • buildMessageChat
import { Chat } from 'wwtc-sdk';

// Must set params with ":" at start. This allows handling dynamic request params
const endpointTranslate = {
    method: 'GET',
    valueResponse: 'translated_text', // Value name that have the text translated in the API endpoint response_

function WrapperComponents() {
    return (
            username="John Doe"

export default WrapperComponents;


Chat component accept following props. Instructions on how to use them are below.

name type required default detail example
username string true "" Subtitle text sender.
initialSourceLanguage string true "" Code of source language. en, es, fr
initialTargetLanguage string true "" Code of target language es, fr, en
initialVisible bool false true Show/hide visual component true
provider string true "" Third party services that handles p2p communication "pubnub"
style object false {} Set custom styles to wrapper of Subtitles component, used to set width and/or height of wrapper. { width: 300px, height: 500px}
endpoint object true {} Endpoint to request translation language { method: 'GET', url: 'https://core.worldwidetechconnections.com/services/ttt/:sourceLanguage/:targetLanguage?text=:text' };
speechRecognition bool false false Allows get speech recognition. Text recognized will be shown in the chat component true, false

Text to Speech

This component include:

  • TextToSpeechUI
import { TextToSpeech } from 'wwtc-sdk';

const endpointTextToSpeech = {
    method: 'GET',

// Used with hook (functional component)
function WrapperComponents() {
    const [{ tts }, dispatch] = useStateValue();

    // Dispatch action to start/stop play audio of text
    const handleTTS = () => {
            type: 'TTS_changeActive',
            value: !tts.active,
    return (
            <button type="button" onClick={handleSTT}>
                {tts.active ? 'Stop' : 'Start'} TTS
                    width: '98%',
                    height: 'calc(35% - 1em)',
                    margin: '1em auto',

export default WrapperComponents;


name type required default detail example
initialLanguage string true "" Language code en
initialGender string true "" User gender male
initialVisible bool true false Visible component true
initialActive bool true false Active component logic function (play audio) true
withUI bool true false This component can work without showing visual element. This flag allow show or hide visual component, the logic function still working anyway. true
style object false {} Set custom styles to wrapper of Subtitles component, used to set width and/or height of wrapper. { width: 300px, height: 500px }
endpoint object true {} Endpoint to request audio from text given endpointTextToSpeech example above
fetchCustom function false null Function to make custom API request and handle response. Object must be returned: { downloadUrl, indexCall }

Speech to Text

This component include:

  • SpeechToTextUI
import { SpeechToText } from 'wwtc-sdk';

const endpointSpeechToText = {
    method: 'POST',

// Used with hook (functional component)
function WrapperComponents() {
    const [{ stt }, dispatch] = useStateValue();

    // Dispatch action to start/stop capture audio
    // and handle recognized speech to send request to API endpoint
    const handleSTT = () => {
            type: 'STT_changeActive',
            value: !stt.active,

    return (
            <button type="button" onClick={handleSTT}>
                {stt.active ? 'Stop' : 'Start'} speech recognition
                username="John Doe"
                initialLanguage="en-US" // right format: xx-XX
                initialTarget="subtitles" // chat or subtitles
                    width: '98%',
                    height: 'calc(35% - 1em)',
                    margin: '1em auto',

export default WrapperComponents;


name type required default detail example
username string true "" Username to send Subtitles (component) message John Doe
initialLanguage string true "" Language code en
initialTarget string true "subtitles" Target component where the recognized text will be sent "subtitles" || "chat"
initialVisible bool false true Show/hide component when is mounted true
initialActive bool false false Active component logic function (play audio) when component is mounted true
withUI bool false true This component works without showing visual element. This prop allow show or hide visual component, the logic function still working anyway. true
style object false {} Set custom styles to wrapper of Subtitles component, used to set width and/or height of wrapper. { width: 300px, height: 500px }
endpoint object true {} Endpoint to request text recognition endpointSpeechToText example above

State Provider

The state provider is the main component of the sdk. It handle the global state of the app, like Redux. StateProvider is a upgraded version of React Context to handle reducers and states of each component (Subtitles, Chat, Speech To Text, Text To Speech, etc). This component would be at the top layer of the main app.

import { StateProvider } from 'wwtc-sdk';

function WrapperComponents() {
    return (
                <WrapperComponents />

export default WrapperComponents;

You can access to the component state trough useStateValue, it's the Context similarly to React Context. Must be used inside a functional component (React hook)

To get state component information:

import { useStateValue, Chat } from 'wwtc-sdk';

function WrapperComponents() {
    const [{ chat, subtitles }, dispatch] = useStateValue();

        state chat:
        chat = {
            sourceLanguage: "",
            targetLanguage: "",
            visible: true,
    const chatIsVisible = () => {

    const showChat = () => {
            type: 'CHAT_changeVisible',
            value: true,

    const hideChat = () => {
            type: 'CHAT_changeVisible',
            value: false,
    return (
            <Chat.ChatUI />

export default WrapperComponents;

Action list by Component

To change the state of any component, you need to dispatch an action.

    type: 'action_name',
    value: 'value_action',


type value detail example
CHAT_changeSourceLanguage string Change source language (typing) {id: 0, label: 'English, USA ', value: 'en', vendor: 'Microsoft', img: 'https://sdkresources.s3.amazonaws.com/flags/united_states.png'}
CHAT_changeTargetLanguage string Change target language {id: 0, label: 'English, USA ', value: 'en', vendor: 'Microsoft', img: 'https://sdkresources.s3.amazonaws.com/flags/united_states.png'}
CHAT_changeVisible bool Visible component true


type value detail example
SUBTITLES_changeSourceLanguage object Change source language (typing) {id: 0, label: 'English, USA ', value: 'en', vendor: 'Microsoft', img: 'https://sdkresources.s3.amazonaws.com/flags/united_states.png'}
SUBTITLES_changeTargetLanguage object Change target language {id: 0, label: 'English, USA ', value: 'en', vendor: 'Microsoft', img: 'https://sdkresources.s3.amazonaws.com/flags/united_states.png'}
SUBTITLES_changeVisible bool Visible component true
SUBTITLES_setSttToSubs object Object to display new subtitle in the component from other componente. e.g. Text recognized from STT module. { name: 'username', speakerLanguage: 'en', text: 'This is a test' }

STT (Speech to text)

type value detail example
STT_changeLanguage object Change language {id: 0, label: 'English, USA ', value: 'en-US', vendor: 'Microsoft', img: 'https://sdkresources.s3.amazonaws.com/flags/united_states.png'}
STT_changeActive bool Logic component (start or stop capture recognition) true
STT_changeVisible bool Visible component true

TTS (Speech to text)

type value detail example
TTS_changeLanguage object Change language {id: 0, label: 'English, USA ', value: 'en-US', vendor: 'Microsoft', img: 'https://sdkresources.s3.amazonaws.com/flags/united_states.png',}
TTS_changeActive bool Logic component (play audio of text) true
TTS_changeVisible bool Visible component true
TTS_changeGender string Change gender voice male
TTS_setNewTTS object Object to play new audio TTS. e.g. Text from subtitle component. { language: 'en', text: 'This is a test' }

Override CSS

wwtc-sdk includes the dictionaries function. You must provide a JSON file in the /public/dictionaries path named dictionaries.json That file must contain one array of "dictionaries" translations to replace text in Subtitles Component.

Dictionaries works if you provide the dictionaries.json file. If you don't provide it, nothing happens.

// dictionaries.json
        "sourceLanguage": "english",
        "targetLanguage": "french",
        "replacements": [
                "from": "4AMLD",
                "to": "4AMLD"
                "from": "5AMLD",
                "to": "5AMLD"
        "sourceLanguage": "english",
        "targetLanguage": "spanish",
        "replacements": [
                "from": "4AMLD",
                "to": "4AMLD"
                "from": "5AMLD",
                "to": "5AMLD"


This function provide languages-idioms of differents vendor. We handle Google, Microsoft, Deepl, Yandex, Sogou for Translate. By default, these languages are included in any component of the library (Chat, Subtitles, Speech to Text, Text to Speech).

import { fetchLanguages } from 'wwtc-sdk';

        id: 0,
        text: 'English United States',
        code: 'english-united-states',
        flag: 'united_states',
    { ... }

Override CSS

If you wants to change some styles of the components, like header, buttons or backgrounds colors, etc. Only have to override some CSS variables.

:root {
    --main-primary: red; // primary color
    --main-default: black; // default color

List of variables by default:

--main-primary: #337ab7;
--main-default: #acaeb7;
--main-secondary: #555;
--main-white: white;
--main-white-dark: #eeeeee;
--main-gray: gray;
--main-gray-dark: #444;
--main-gray-light: #ccc;

To apply changes, needs to write the new styles at the top of the CSS document (index.css).


:root {
    --main-primary: red;
    --main-default: black;