Provides the functionality needed for a client to use HTTP Basic or Digest authentication. Also provides primitives for parsing WWW-Authenticate and Authentication_Info headers.
Parses the content of a WWW-Authenticate header sent by a server. Interpret the authentication challenge posed. Then generate the credentials for Authorization headers for subsequent requests from the server.
- Supports Basic and Digest authentication schemes.
- Supports 'auth' quality of protection (qop) and challenges that do not include qop.
- Supports MD5 and MD5-sess algorithms.
- Assumes Node.js, but otherwise makes no assumtion about framework.
- Basic authetication scheme is untested.
- Included tests only test Digest scheme against the rfc2617 example.
- Most of the permutations of qop and algorithm have not been tested.
- Little real-world testing. That's where you can help! Report any failures or submit a patch that resolves an authentication failure.
- Will not parse WWW-Authenticate headers that contain more than one challenge. Please send an example of one if you find one in the field or modify the parser to parse it.
- Does not support auth-int qop, but will use auth qop if server allows either. Support could surely be added in the future.
- Response to challenges without qop have not been tested.
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install www-authenticate
See examples below.
var www_authenticate = require('www-authenticate');
var on_www_authenticate= www_authenticate(username,password);
// now wait for HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized and then parse the WWW_Authenticate header
var authenticator= on_www_authenticate(req.header.www_authenticate);
if (authenticator.err) throw err; // or do something similarly drastic
//... now, whenever you make a request, add an Authorization header:
response.setHeader('authorize', authenticator.authorize('GET',url));
var parsers = require('www-authenticate').parsers;
var parsed= new parsers.WWW_Authenticate(request.headers['www-authenticate']);
var parsed= new parsers.Authentication_Info(request.headers['authentication-info']);
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2013 Randy McLaughlin Licensed under the MIT license.