NOTE: This is a fork of wxs.threejs, for the original version please refer to the original reposityory.
Wxs3Map is a lightweight JavaScript library build on top of the great three.js library.
The main purpose is to facilitate showing small 3d-blocks of the world, using the OGC services WCS for elevation data and WMS/WMTS for textures (maps or sattelite/aerial photos).
The recommended way to use wxs.threejs2 is by some tool like Webpack or browserify:
npm install wxs3map --save
And then
import Wxs3Map from 'wxs3map';
If you want to include this as a "traditional" js package, add the build/Wxs3Map.min.js
to your project, as well as build/trackball.js
and the libraries:
- three.js
- underscore
- proj4js
A new 3d-scene is created using the following syntax
var threeDMap = window.Wxs3Map.default(options);
Here options is an object of the following structure:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
div | String | null | Id of div to place scene in |
bbox | String | null | Bounding box of area to show |
bboxCrs | String | EPSG:4326 | Crs of bbox |
wireframe | Boolean | false | Show wireframe (for debugging) |
zMult | Number | 1 | Factor to adjust z-values (height) by |
crs | String | EPSG:32633 | Internal coordinate system of scene |
texture | TextureOptions | Configure texture, see below | |
terrain | TerrainOptions | Configure terrain, see below | |
profiles | ProfileOptions[] | Configure texture, see below |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
type | String | wms | Type of texture (wms or image) |
wmsUrl | String | | Url to wms server |
wmsLayers | String | topo2_WMS | Wms layers to use |
wmsFormat | String | image/png | Wms format |
imgUrl | String | null | Path to image used for texture if type = image |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
pixelsPerVertex | Integer | 8 | Resolution of the height model in the image |
wcsResolution | Integer | 10 | Resolution of grid cell in meters |
coverage | String | land_utm33_10m | Wcs coverage to use |
format | String | geotiff | WCS format (geotiff or xyz) |
showBox | Boolean | true | Show a box around the terrain slice |
boxColor | Hex color | 0xdddddd | Color of the box around the terrain slice |
npm install
npm run dev-server
- Navigate the browser to http://localhost:8080/demos/