
Wykop API v2 wrapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wykopV2Typescript from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wykop-v2-typescript';



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Simple, minimal wrapper for shitty wykop api v2


yarn add wykop-v2-typescript
npm install wykop-v2-typescript

Wykop Api v2 documentation



import wykop from "wykop-v2-typescript"

const wykop = new Wykop({
  appKey: string,
  appSecret: string,
  secure: boolean, // if set to true url will be prefixed with 'https', otherwise 'http'
  wykopUrl: string // base url for wykop (without trailing slash)
  userkey: string // userkey uses for requests

Default options

  appKey: null,
  appSecret: null,
  secure: true,
  wykopUrl: a2.wykop.pl
userkey: undefined

Request parameters

  methods: string[] // array with strings, will be parsed as string/string/
  namedParams: {
    [key: string]: string | number
  } // object with API parameters, will be parsed as key/value/key/value
  apiParams: string[] // array with strings, will be parsed as string/string/
  postParams: {
    [key: string]: string | number
  } // object will be send in body as key=value&key=value
  reorderParams: boolean = false // If your request returns that something doesn't exists try to set this to true

Example request (without logging user)

  • Without async/await
const wykop = new Wykop({
  appKey: 'asdnasdnad',
  appSecret: 'sdakdsajd',

    methods: ['Entries', 'Hot'],
    namedParams: { page: 1, period: 6 },
  .then((res) => {
    // Response from wykop
  .catch((error) => {
    // Only if something went wrong 😁
  • With async/await
// Dont forget to put this code in async function
const wykop = new Wykop({
  appKey: 'asdnasdnad',
  appSecret: 'sdakdsajd',

try {
  const response = await wykop.request({
    methods: ['Entries', 'Hot'],
    namedParams: { page: 1, period: 6 },
  // Your code here
} catch (err) {
  // Only if something went wrong 😁

Example request (with userkey)

  • Without async/await
const wykop = new Wykop({
  appKey: 'asdnasdnad',
  appSecret: 'sdakdsajd',

    methods: ['Login', 'Index'],
    postParams: { login: 'Vegann', accountkey: 'Token from wykop connect' },
  .then(() => {
    // userkey will be stored in wykop.userkey you dont need to provide it once logged in
    return wykop.request({
      methods: ['Entries', 'Add'],
      postParams: { body: 'Body' },
  .then((res) => {
    // Response from wykop
  .catch((error) => {
    // Only if something went wrong 😁
  • With async/await
// Dont forget to put this code in async function
const wykop = new Wykop({
  appKey: 'asdnasdnad',
  appSecret: 'sdakdsajd',

try {
  await wykop.request({
    methods: ['Login', 'Index'],
    postParams: {
      login: 'Vegann',
      accountkey: 'Token from wykop connect',
  // userkey will be stored in wykop.userkey you dont need to provide it in next requests once logged in
  const res = await wykop.request({
    methods: ['Entries', 'Add'],
    postParams: { body: 'Body' },
  // Response from wykop
} catch (err) {
  // Only if something went wrong 😁

Getting link for Wykop connect

  • Without redirect
const wykop = new Wykop({
  appKey: 'asdnasdnad',
  appSecret: 'sdakdsajd',

const { url } = wykop.wykopConnectLink();
  1. Put url in a tag
  • With redirect
const wykop = new Wykop({
  appKey: 'asdnasdnad',
  appSecret: 'sdakdsajd',

const { url, secure } = wykop.wykopConnectLink('http://localhost:8080');
  1. After user logs in to Wykop will redirect be to http://localhost:8080/?connectData=XXXXXXXXXX

  2. Then you can catch XXXXXXXXXX from url and decode user with:

  1. Use secure for checking if correct user was returned