
CLI for zion-frontend.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wynkZionCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wynk-zion-cli';


Zion CLI

Zion CLI has been made to streamline development of Zion (Wynk CMS). It contains commands for speedy and production ready development.


Use the package manager npm to install wynk-zion-cli.

npm install -g wynk-zion-cli


zion [options] [command]


-V, --version                output the version number
-h, --help                   display help for command


1. zion install                      Install Zion Framework

2. zion run                          Run framework

3. zion generate [generator] [name]  Generate components, containers and journeys
* generator: eg. journey, journey-component, journey-container, component , container (app)
* name: Name of the directory/journey eg. CreatePlyalists

4. zion export <directory>           Export all artifacts of the specified directory.
* directory: eg. journeys

5. zion create-pr [options]          Creates PR from forked repo to original repo (upstream)
* -B, --base <branch>  The branch into which you want your code merged (default: "master")
* -t, --title <title>  Supply a title for PR (default: "Pull Request")
* -b, --body <body>    Supply a body for PR (default: "")

6. zion pull                         Sync framework with original master repo (upstream)

7. zion test                         Runs tests of framework

8. zion coverage                     Show coverage of test suite

9. zion analyze                      Generate stats.json for Zion framework for analysis


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.