
Node.js SDK for Froala Editor with Qiniu Cloud

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wysiwygEditorNodeSdkQn from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wysiwyg-editor-node-sdk-qn';


Froala WYSIWYG Editor Node.JS SDK (with Qiniu Cloud)

npm npm npm

Easing the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor server side integration in Node.JS projects.


  1. Clone this repo or download the zip.

  2. Run npm install.

  3. (Optional) Run bower install to install the editor JS.

  4. Load lib directory in your project and import it: var FroalaEditor = require('path/to/lib/froalaEditor.js');

  5. To run examples:

  • npm start to start a nodejs server form examples directory at http://localhost:3000/

Import lib

var FroalaEditor = require('path/to/lib/froalaEditor.js');




app.post('/upload_image_validation', function (req, res) {
  var options = {
    accessKey: 'Your AccessKey', // AK
    secretKey: 'Your Secretkey', // SK
    bucket: 'Bucket Name', // 存储空间名称
    zone: 'Zone_z0', // 机房位置 华东Zone_z0 华北Zone_z1 华南Zone_z2 北美Zone_na0
    domain: 'Your domain', // 测试域名或cdn加速域名(末尾不加/)
    fieldname: 'myImage',
    validation: function(filePath, mimetype, callback) {
      gm(filePath).size(function(err, value){

        if (err) {
          return callback(err);

        if (!value) {
          return callback('Error occurred.');

        if (value.width != value.height) {
          return callback(null, false);
        return callback(null, true);

  FroalaEditor.Image.uploadQn(req, '/uploads/', options, function(err, data) {

    if (err) {
      return res.send(JSON.stringify(err));
  • 使用七牛云后,文件将不再保存至本地(设置文件路径是为了暂存文件,用于实现用户自定义验证功能,验证结束后文件会删除)
  • 关于七牛云的更多信息,请访问官方文档



The Froala WYSIWYG Editor Node.JS SDK is licensed under MIT license. However, in order to use Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor plugin you should purchase a license for it.

Froala Editor has 3 different licenses for commercial use. For details please see License Agreement.