
Weatherzone keygen: creates your rolling key for the Weatherzone API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wzkeygen from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wzkeygen';



Implements the Weatherzone date-based rolling key for accessing the API.


The Wetherzone API uses a custom rolling key for authentication. This rolling key is valid for 48 hours of the date in question and should be regenerated each day.

The key is defined as a MD5summed hash of the salt and key concatenated.

The salt is a number defined as the sum of day×2, month×300, year×1700000.


Install wzkeygen as a NPM module, then:

var wzkeygen = require('wzkeygen');
var myKey = wzKeygen('mypassword');


This is really simple but please feel free to submit a pull request if this doesn't work for you.