
A toolkit for building static websites with reusable components and simple Markdown rendering

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import x  from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-';


x- is a toolkit for building static websites with reusable components and simple Markdown rendering. Designed to be a natural extension of HTML, it can be used to quickly protoype and build a site from the ground up, or can be progressively integrated into an existing project with zero configuration. Using either the CLI or JavaScript API, everything is rendered to well-formatted, standard HTML, ready to be published.



Components are created with a standard HTML file where properties can be defined with a basic template syntax:

<!-- src/components/greeting.html -->

<h1>Hello {{ name }}!</h1>

Components can then be used throughout a project with the <x-component> element, which should include a src attribute with the relative path to a component file ― the .html extension is implied. Property values are assigned with additional attributes on the <x-component> element:

<!-- src/pages/index.html -->

<x-component src="../components/greeting" name="world">

Components can also contain child content. The <x-slot> element is used to specify where content should be injected:

    <title>{{ title }}</title>
      <x-slot />

At build time, the <x-slot> element is replaced with any content inside the <x-component> element:

<x-component src="../components/base-layout" title="Home">
  <p>Page content...</p>

The <x-slot> element can contain optional fallback content that will be used if no child content for a component is provided:

<x-slot>Default content...</slot>


Markdown rendering is available with the <x-content> element. Similar to <x-component> element, the src attribute is used to specify the relative path to a Markdown file:

<x-content src="../content/introduction" />


The CLI takes an input path to a file or directory and outputs compiled HTML files to ./public or the path specified with the --output option. If the provided input path is a directory, x- will recusively find and compile each HTML file in the given directory and its subdirectories. Any file or directory starting with an underscore (e.g., _components) will be ignored.

$ x- --help

Usage: x- <input> [options]


  -o, --output        Output path (Default: ./public)

  -v, --version       Print the current version and exit


$ x- src/pages --output static


render() reads the provided file and returns rendered HTML as a string:

render(filePath: string) => Promise<string>


const { render } = require('x-');

async function example() {
  const html = await render('index.html');


$ npm install --save-dev x-


  • Implement better HTML parser

    • The project is currently using regular expressions for parsing and manipulating HTML, which is often discouraged. Libraries like cheerio and jsdom seem a bit overkill and are noticebly less performant, but I'd like to look into lower level libraries like parse5 and htmlparser2.
  • Add named slots

  • Add file watching and automatic rebuilding with --watch CLI option

  • Add Node API