
xurei Chatbot

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xChatbot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-chatbot';


xurei Messenger Chatbot

Simple Messenger chatbot framework for simple Q&A conversations based on Finite State Machine.


This is a work in progress ! Expect things to be broken.


Setting up

Before using the chatbot, you need to register a messenger app on the Facebook for Developpers Page.

See Facebook's Guide for more infos (Don't bother too much about the code in the guide. Most of it is handled by the framework :-) )

Take note of the access token and the validation token of you app.

npm install x-chatbot
const http = require('http');
const xchatbot = require('../../xchatbot/xchatbot');

const chatbot = xchatbot({
    validation_token: "this_is_y_validation_token",
const app = chatbot.express;
const httpServer = http.createServer(app);
httpServer.listen(80, function () {
  console.log('Server listening on '+this.address().address+' port '+ this.address().port);

Creating your chat flow

The framework works by setting the different questions and the answers that it expects. Questions are linked together via a simple FSM, i.e. by changing state of the current session.

Here is an example of question :

    name: "QUESTION_NAME", //unique identifier
    execute: function(api, session) {
        return api.sendTextMessage(session.senderId(), "When is the meeting taking place (dd/mm/yyyy) ?");
    answers: {
        "INPUT": function (api, session, payload) {

            if (is_date_valid(payload.text)) {
                //Store information in the user session
                session.store.date = payload.text;
                //Change the state to the next question
            else {
                //Send the invalid data message
                api.sendTextMessage(session.senderId(), "Sorry, I didn't get it.")
                //Change the state to itself so it can ask the question again
                .then(() => session.setState("REQUEST_DATE"));

You can also use chatbot.registerQuestions :

        name: "QUESTION_1",
        execute: /* ... */,
        answers: /* ... */
        name: "QUESTION_2",
        execute: /* ... */,
        answers: /* ... */

Session persistence

By default, the sessions are not persisted. If you want persistence, use chatbot.readSession and chatbot.writeSession.



Instance of express framework running the chatbot.


This is the wrapper of the Facebook API. All the methods return ES6 promises to deal with the asynchronicity.

chatbot.api.sendTextMessage : function(idSender, text)

Sends a basic text message to a user.

Too send multiple messages in a specific order, use then() :

chatbot.api.sendTextMessage(session.senderId(), "Hello")
.then(() => chatbot.api.sendTextMessage(session.senderId(), "World"));
chatbot.api.sendPicMessage : function(idSender, url)

Sends an image to a user.

chatbot.api.send : function(idSender, messageData)

Sends raw data to the facebook messaging endpoint (https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages). You can basically send any king of message with this method.

  • idSender id of the user to send the message
  • messageData json "message" field as requested by Facebook API

Example :

chatbot.api.send(session.senderId(), {
            "title":"Welcome to Peter\'s Hats",
            "subtitle":"We\'ve got the right hat for everyone.",
                "title":"View Website"
                "title":"Start Chatting",
chatbot.api.setMenu : function(data)

Define the persistant menu, as defined by Facebook docs Example :

    "setting_type" : "call_to_actions",
    "thread_state" : "existing_thread",
            "payload": JSON.stringify({action: "HELP"})
            "title":"Create new request",
            "payload": JSON.stringify({action: "CREATE_REQUEST"})
            "title":"View Website",

chatbot.readSession : function(senderId, api, questions)

Defines the way you read a session from your persistent data store. By default, it returns null.

  • senderId id of the user
  • api instance of chatbot.api
  • questions questions array The method should return a Session object. Example :
var myDatabaseObject = /* ... */
chatbot.readSession = function(senderId, api, questions) {
    var dbEntry = myDatabaseObject.read(senderId);
    if (typeof (dbEntry) !== "undefined" && dbEntry !== null) {
        return new Session(senderId, api, questions, dbEntry.state, dbEntry.store);
    else {
        return null;

chatbot.writeSession : function(session)

Writes the session to your persistent database store. By default, it does nothing.

  • session The method should return a Session object. Example :
var myDatabaseObject = /* ... */
chatbot.writeSession = function(session) {
    myDatabaseObject.write(session.senderId(), {state: session.getQuestion().name, store: session.store});

chatbot.registerAction : function(actionName, callback)

Register an action that the user can do at any time, typically via the menu.

  • actionName the action trigerred. See chatbot.api.setMenu() example.
  • callback: function(api, session, payload) method to be called when the action is trigerred
    • api instance of chatbot.api
    • session Session object, see below
    • payload additionnal information if required

chatbot.registerQuestion : function(question_name, question_data)

chatbot.registerQuestions : function(questions)

Register a question along with the expected answer and the functions to handle them. It is the key element to create flows using the FSM.

Example :

    name: "ARE_YOU_SURE",
    execute: function(api, session) {
            api.sendTextMessage(session.senderId(), "Are you sure ?")
            .then(() => api.send(session.senderId(), {
                "attachment": {
                    "type": "template",
                    "payload": {
                        "template_type": "generic",
                        "elements": [
                                "title": "Please confirm",
                                "buttons": [{
                                    "type": "postback",
                                    "title": "Yes",
                                    "payload": JSON.stringify({action: "CONFIRM_REQUEST"})
                                    "type": "postback",
                                    "title": "No",
                                    "payload": JSON.stringify({action: "DENY_REQUEST"})
    answers: {
        "CONFIRM_REQUEST": function (api, session, payload) {
            session.store.confirmed = true;
        "DENY_REQUEST": function (api, session, payload) {
            session.store.confirmed = false;
        "INPUT": function (api, session, payload) {
            api.sendTextMessage(session.senderId(), "Please use the buttons")
            .then(() => session.setQuestion("ARE_YOU_SURE")); //Ask the question again

The execute function is executed when session.setQuestion() is called. The answers are the expected answers. There can be multiple possible answers.

The name of the answer is defined by the actions you provided in the execute() method. The INPUT answer is when the user types in text directly.

The Session object

The session object handles the sessions like a traditionnal HTTP session. The only difference is that it uses the Facebook user id as session key. It also contains the current question asked to a user and provides a store for extra information.

Session.setQuestion: function (question_name)

Set the current question to a registered question and ask it to the user.

Session.getQuestion: function ()

Returns the current question object.

Session.senderId: function ()

Returns the id of the user.

Session.store: {}

Storage space where you can put anything you need to keep the state of your bot.

Full Example

Coming soon...