
google map package

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xCiteGoogleMap from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-cite-google-map';


This project was bootstrapped with x-cite.io project.

Available Scripts

In you project directory, run this script to install the package:

npm i x-cite-google-map
yarn add x-cite-google-map

To start using the package , import the module into your component

import { Map } from 'x-cite-google-map'

Then use it in your app, those are the props that can be used:

<Map markers={reports} fields={['firstName','lastName','mobilePhone']} icon={icon}/>


array for the list of reports with geolocation data


the list of fields you want to display in the infoWindow


the marker icon you want to use it in the map