x-cite-table is a reactjs package, helps you to display data inside a table
x-cite-table requires Reactjs v15+ to run.
$ npm install x-cite-table
$ yarn add x-cite-table
then import the package into the used component
import TableDemoXcite from 'x-cite-table'
Instructions on how to use x-cite-table in your own application are linked below:
<TableDemoXcite data={data} columns={columns} />
data object should looks like this:
const data = [
{name:'India', code:'IN', population:1324171354,size:125, density:3287263},
{name:'Japan', code:'JA', population:1324171354,size:128, density:3287263}
columns object should looks like this:
const columns = [
{ id: 'population', label: 'Population', minWidth: 120, align: 'right', format: value => value.toLocaleString(),},
{ id: 'code', label: 'ISO\u00a0Code', minWidth: 100 }