
A lightweight common utils library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xCommonUtils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-common-utils';


Common Utils for JavaScript

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The basic utils for javascript. This library will keep the utils as small as possible. You can import the module you want to use on demand. Here is an example.

var isArray = require('x-common-utils/isArray');

if (!isArray(it)) {
    throw new TypeError('it is not an array');


npm i x-common-utils



each(target, callback)

  • target {Array|Object}
  • callback {IteratorFunction}

Call the callback function on each element or property of the target array or object. If the target is an array, the elements of that array will be iterated from 0 to the end of the array. If the target is an object, all the properties of that object will be iterated (the order is not promised). Pay attention that the properties of the prototype of the target is NOT iterated. The parameters passed to the callback function is (value, index|key, target). If the callback function returns false, the procession will be stopped.


  • url {string}
  • Returns: {boolean}

Check whether the url is absolute url. Returns true if the url is abosolute, otherwise false is returned.


  • it {any}
  • Returns: {boolean}

Check whether the variable is an instance of Array. Returns true if the variable is an instance of Array, otherwise false is returned.


  • it {any}
  • Returns: {boolean}

Check whether the variable is a function. Returns true if the variable is a function, otherwise false is returned.


  • it {any}
  • Returns: {boolean}

Check whether the variable is a plain object. Returns true if the variable is a plain object, otherwise false is returned.

merge(target, ...source)

  • target {Object}
  • source {Object}
  • Returns: {Object}

Copy any non-undefined values of source to target and overwrites the corresponding original values. This function will modify the target object. Returns the modified target object.


  • path {string}
  • Retruns: {string}

Normalize the given path, parse the . and .. in the path. This function only supports the separator /. Example:

var path = normalizePath('./a/b/../b/c'); // path === 'a/b/c'


  • value {any}
  • Returns: {string}

Read the value as string. If the value is null or undefined, an empty string is returned. Otherwise, the value will be transformed to a string. This function is useful in the case that you need to ensure that the parameter user passed is a string.


  • str {string}
  • Returns: {string}

Removes the leading and trailing white space and line terminator characters from a string. If str is null or undefined, it is treated as an empty string. If str is not a string, it will be converted to a string first. This function retruns the trimed string.