
Configuration package for node applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-config';


Build Status


This package provides an easy way to access configuration information based on local or system configuration files. This package follows the following inheritance flow:

  • ./config/default.json
  • ./config/{{environment}}.json
  • {{system}}/{{id}}.json
  • {{system}}/default.json


  • The locator climbs the path from the parent module location to the volume root looking for a config directory. This enables packages to maintain seperate configurations.
  • The environment can be determined via HOSTNAME, or by placing env in default.json with dev, test, or prod, or pattern matching (see below).


npm install x-config --save

    "id": "my-app",
    "env": { "dev": "^dev", "test": "^test", "prod": "^prod" }, 
    "consoleEnabled": true
var config = require('x-config');
if (config.consoleEnabled){
var configFn = require('x-config'); // returns a function if _rest is enabled.

configFn(function(err, config){
  if (config.consoleEnabled){

The path to the system configuration files can either be defined using a SYSTEM_CONFIG environment variable or set systemConfig in the default or environment config files.

{ "systemConfig": "/etc/node/" }

To pull configuration from a REST service, use the following. This will cause the config library to return a function which you will want to call.

{ "_rest": { "url": "http://myrestservice/...", "headers": { "X-AuthToken": "auth-token" } } }