Lightweight Event Dispatcher (umd support), allowing you dispatch anywhere in the code, very handy in callback hell situations, deep promises, or any other complicated computations. Integrated with callback memory (so you dont have to subscribe first to get your data.)
/$ npm i x-dispatcher
Why use it ?
- Avoid ugly callback > callback > callback hell!
- Avoid messy Promises
- Prefer clean, readable code hierarchy
- Easy to implement
- No dependencies
- UMD/esm support so you can use same declaration in most environments: (AMD, Node, or browser)
// import { xdispatcher } from 'x-dispatcher/esm' when using esm or ts
const { xdispatcher } = require('x-dispatcher') // /node or /umd can also be used
const uid = `dispatch_job_1` // optional
const DEBUG = true // optional
const ds = xdispatcher(uid, DEBUG)
// thanks to callback memory `next` can be called before subscribe!{ type: 'profile', data: { address: 'xox', email: 'johndoe@email.xo', name: 'John Doe', company: 'Anonymous' } })
.subscribe(function(data, uid, index){
console.log('on subscribe', data, this.uid, index)
// this.unsubscribe()
console.log(`unsubscribed from ${uid}`)
setTimeout(() => {{ data: { company: "Secret delayed" } })
.next({ data: { company: "another Secret delayed" } }) // and so on
.next({ data: { company: "never received" } }) // never called
console.log(ds.isActive()) //:false
}, 2000)
More Examples
Checkout ./examples.js
Version support
es5/es6 support for universal module, can use for: AMD, Node, or browser
const { xdispatcher } = require('x-dispatcher') // defaults to node
const { xdispatcher } = require('x-dispatcher/umd')
const { xdispatcher } = require('x-dispatcher/node') // umd/es6
import { xdispatcher } from 'x-dispatcher/esm'
<script src="..path/x-dispatcher/umd">
const xd = window.xdispatcher() // initialize new
subscribe( (data,uid,index)=> ) | self |
start listening for events, before or after next() . uid => default of provided id for this dispatcher. index => counts callback events. |
onComplete( (uid)=> ) | self |
when subscribe event is deleted, callback is initiated |
next( data )/emit( data ) | self |
send data to subscribe callback. Can be declared before subscribe was initialized, there are no timers, so do not worry about memory leaks! |
del()/delete()/unsubscribe() | self |
remove dispatcher from stack |
isActive() | boolean |
tells you if dispatcher is still active |
es5/es6, Javascript, lint, callback, chaining support, umd, commonjs, node.js
Have questions, or would like to submit feedback, contact eaglex