
Make simple and modular, building a web application with express.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xEasy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-easy';




This is a simple way to raise a server in Node.JS.

Module installation

npm install x-easy --save

// or

yarn add x-easy

Using Example

Simple start file


// the default port is 3000
// global object call. possibilities:
// XEasy, xEasy, xeasy, XEASY
XEasy.createApplication('myApp', { // Options for initialize app. It's opcional
    port: 3000, // default
    enableWebsocket: false, // default
    enableSession: false // default
    secureKeys: {
      key: './keyFile.key', // or './keyFile.pem'
      cert: './certFile.crt',  // or './certFile.pem'
      ca: ['./ca1.crt', './ca2.crt'] // chain certificate or (ca: './ca.crt') single certificate
      requestCert: false, // default
      rejectUnauthorized: false // default
  // addModule can load <project_path>/<module_name>/index.js, <project_path>/<module_name>/index.json,
  // <project_path>/<module_name>.js and <project_path>/<module_name>.json
  // file to load data
  .addModule('data') // json file
  // file to default settings
  .addModule('config') // js file
  // file for route settings
  .addModule('routes') // js file
  // file for websocket settings
  .addModule('websocket') // js file
  // method for creating channel between processes
  // start children process
  /* 'auto' sets automatic scanning for the number of processor
  ** cores and creates processes for each of them
  ** .start('auto') with 6 cores start 6 process
  ** negative numbers subtract from the number of cores to
  ** generate the number of processes that at least 1
  ** .start(-2) with 6 cores start 4 process*/
  .start(/* number of process, default is 1*/)

The loadModule function is used to instantiate objects in the application by passing it in the constructor.

  'data': 'something else',
  'viewEngine': 'pug',
  'viewEnginePath': 'pages'
module.exports = class Config {
  // order of the constructor parameters does not matter
  constructor(app, modules) {
    // event called when the process is exiting
    app.callStop = () => {
      //... stopping worker

    // method that receives messages from channels between processes
    app.addProcessMessageListener((channel, data) => {
      // ...message processing
      // channel attribute refers to the channel name or application name

    // for password protection, this method transforms the hashed data
      /* optional */ {
        seed: 'secret', // default is ''
        loop: 5 // default is 1
    // children properties can also be digested

    // method to take a public folder
    // if there are subfolders
    // app.setPublic('public/images')

    // page rendering system

    // permission for accept upload of files
module.exports = class Routes {
  // again! order of the constructor parameters does not matter
  constructor(modules, app) {
    app.get('/', function(req, res) {
      // Sending messages to all registered processes on this channel
        { foo: 'foo' } /* worker id 'app.worker.id' */
      ) // the message has to be an object

      // Sending messages to all  processes on this application
      app.sendAppProcessMessage({ foo: 'foo' } /* worker id 'app.worker.id' */) // the message has to be an object too

      res.end('test ok - ' + req.query.test)

    /** CAUTION **/
    // the file will be loaded into RAM memory
    app.post('/upload', (req, res) => {
      // ... file upload process
      // req.files.<form name>.name - file name
      // req.files.<form name>.encoding - file encoding
      // req.files.<form name>.mimetype - file mimetype
      // req.files.<form name>.data - Buffer bytes

      res.end('file upload success')
const URL = require('url')

module.exports = class WebSocket {
  // again! order of the constructor parameters does not matter
  // the definition of possibilities is in the part of
  // Constructor Parameters
  constructor(wss) {
    wss.on('request', req => {
      // ... process req
      if(false/**...process req...**/) req.reject()

      const client = req.accept()
      conn.on('message', msg => {
        // ... process message
      conn.on('close', () => {
        // ... process close connection

The websocket api documentation is located on this link

Constructor Parameters

server // http server object
app // XEasy app control
name // application name entered in the creation
worker // child process control object
wss || websocketServer || wsServer // Websocket server
modules // list of added modules in application
digest // convert data into hash sha512