
Constructor for virtual file objects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xFile from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-file';



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This is a constructor for virtual file objects. It's intended for use in incremental build systems, where files in a destination directory get granularly created/edited/deleted depending on decisions made in the build process. An x-file instance is essentially a record of what that decision is for a single build action on one file.

Instantiate it with a path and some contents:

var File = require('x-file');

var file = new File('some/imaginary/file.txt', 'hello');

The .path property can be a string or null.

A file's .contents property must be one of three types:

  • a Buffer – simply, the contents you intend to be written to disk (at the end of the build process)
  • false – to be interpreted as an instruction to delete this file from whatever destination directory
  • null – contents not decided yet, or an explicit instruction not to write/delete anything at the given path.

It constructs an object with .path and .contents properties. But it also has a dynamic .text property for the common case of modifying the contents as a UTF-8 string over and over.

The .text and .contents properties automatically stay in sync, and they do this lazily in order to reduce work. If you make several changes to the .text during a build process, the .contents will only be updated when you next attempt to read it.

It also has an .ext property that you can read and write, and .path will automatically reflect it.


var File = require('x-file');

var file = new File('some/imaginary/file.txt', 'hello');

file.contents.toString(); // "hello"
file.ext; // ".txt";

file.text += ' world';
file.contents.toString(); // "hello world"

file.contents = new Buffer('bye');
file.text; // "bye"
file.length; // 3

file.ext = '.foo';
file.path; // "some/imaginary/file.foo"

Note that calling .write() or .fill() to edit the buffer in place will not be reflected in .text, because it won't trigger the .contents setter. If you need to work around this, you can set file.contents = file.contents after editing the buffer in place, to trigger the setter.


  • .contents - may be a Buffer, false or null. Recommended interpretation of values:
    • a buffer means that when this file is 'output' somehow (e.g. saved to disk), this buffer is what should be written.
    • false means that this file object is really a 'to be deleted' instruction; i.e. if the final stage of this build system requires
    • null
    • the recommended interpretation is that null means contents are undecided, or that they should not be changed (compared to some previous build).
  • .text – the parallel to .contents. May be a string, false or null. This property is automatically kept in sync with .contents.
