
This is a common JavaScript tool library, which contains a lot of public methods, it can save you from repeating trivia, and most of its methods support Node.js and browser environment, I hope you will like it!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xJsKit from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-js-kit';



This is a common JavaScript tool library, which contains a lot of public methods, it can save you from repeating trivia, and most of its methods support Node.js and browser environment, I hope you will like it!


The library doesn't contains very ordinary common methods.

So you can use lodash,moment,jQuery,underscore and more with the library.


npm run dev//To build files in development environment
npm run dist//To build files in production environment
npm run test//To run unit test


npm install --save x-js-kit
//Import the whole module
//Or import "x-js-kit/dist/index.polyfill" with polyfill
import JsKit from "x-js-kit"
...your code...
//Import part of module (recommended)
import stopWatch from "x-js-kit/lib/timer/stopWatch"
...your code...


  • To ensure that the commit log format is consistent, please use npm run ct to commit the code

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