
Javascript Pattern matching library developed in typescript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xMatchExpression from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-match-expression';



x-match-expression is a javascript pattern matching library developed in typescript that can be used standalone in the browser, in node or as ES module.


  • Install it with npm install --save x-match-expression or reference it from CDN in the browser


In the browser (with a script tag)

  • Add a script tag <script src="https://unpkg.com/x-match-expression/dist/browser/index.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
  • And later on, use the global match function
 const financialStatus = match(42)
    .caseGreaterEqualThan(1000000, "I'm rich!")
    .caseLessThan(0, "I'm ruined")
    .default("I keep trying");
 console.log(financialStatus); // outputs I keep trying

In Node

const {match} = require("x-match-expression");

const isEven = match(2)
    .case(n => n % 2 === 0, true)
 console.log(isEven); // outputs true

as ES Module

import {match} from "x-match-expression";

const areWeInTheFuture = match(new Date())
    .caseNewerThan(new Date(2050, 0, 1), true)
 console.log(areWeInTheFuture); // outputs false


If you are using typescript or an IDE with autocompletion, just write match. and explore all the options available. Basically you have cases for every javascript primitive type + instance checks. Almost every case method has a companion method ended in "If"; This allows to put an extra predicate if the case is not enough. To end the match expression use default method.

Advanced Usage

Instance check example

import {match} from "x-match-expression";

class FatalError {
    constructor(readonly id: string, readonly date: Date) {}

class Warning {
    constructor(readonly title: string, readonly message: string) {}

class MailMessage {
    constructor(readonly sender: string, readonly subject: string, readonly message: string) {}

type Whatever =
    FatalError |
    Warning |

const info = getInfo(); // returns type Whatever

const infoDetails = match(info)
    .caseInstanceIf(FatalError, _ => _.id === 404 => `No content found at ${e.date.toISOString()}`)
    .caseInstance(FatalError, _ => `Error #${_.id} received`)
    .caseInstance(Warning, _ => `Warning ${_.title}: ${_.message}`)
    .caseInstance(MailMessage, _ => `You received a message from ${_.sender}`)
    .default("Unknown information received");

Float comparison

import {match} from "x-match-expression";

const a = 0.2;
const b = 0.4;
const c = 0.6;
const whatHappens = match(a+b)
    .caseEqual(c, "This number is 0.6")
    .caseAlmostEqual(c, "The number is not exactly 0.6, but it is very close") // <-- this will match
    .default("This number is not 0.6 at all");

Custom test that fails

import {match} from "x-match-expression";

function isSomething(x) {
    throw "Error!"; // <-- look at this

const value = match(x)
    .case(isSomething, "This is something") // <-- custom tests doesn't raise exceptions, they simple return false
    .default("This is nothing");

With union type as return

import {match} from "x-match-expression";

const twice: number | string = match("hello world")
    .caseString(s => `${s}${s}`)
    .caseNumber(n => n*2)