a simple and easy to use pagination module in node.js and
So hope this library help someone like me.
Any ideas are appreciated.
npm install x-pagination --save
How to use
this module use is so easy just require module and call function
xp=require('x-pagination');<target page name>);
xp.queryString(true);//url will query string like ?page=2
//add extra query string (if queryString(true) then & or ?) like '?a=4'
xp.optionalQueryString(<additional query>);
xp.parameterName(<parameter name>);//default page
xp.currentPage(<current page no>);//current page no.
xp.items(<total record>);//total record
xp.getOutput();//retern html string
Here i have give you a simple i think it will help
var xp=require('x-pagination');'my-product');
xp.limit(limit);//limit for per page
xp.currentPage(page);//current page no.
xp.items(rows.length);//total record
pg_div=xp.getOutput();//get html
change in router.js file because your current url with pagination like
http://<domain name>/<target page>/page/<page no>
so add a new router rule like:
/<target page>/page/:page
ok now i will describe what function you can use in pagination
Function Description
require pagination librery
ex: xp=require('x-pagination');
target(this use for set your target page what page will paginate
* this function compulsary
limit(this use for set limit of record how many record will show
* this function compulsary
ex: xp.limit(10);
currentPage(this use for set current page no
* this function compulsary
ex: xp.currentPage(2);
queryString(this use for how url will show like query string(product?page=1)
or seo/user friendly(product/page/1)
this is default false
ex: xp.queryString(false);
optionalQueryString(this use for add extra query string with url
if queryString set true then add '&' or not then use '?'
also you can use seo/user friendly url('/search/3')
ex: xp.optionalQueryString('?a=2');
parameterName(this use for set pagination parameter
this is default is page
ex: xp.parameterName('p');//url will product/p/3
items(this use for set total no record
* this function compulsary
ex: xp.items(200);
this is use for get generated html string
* this function compulsary
ex: xp.getOutput();