Parse query to mongoose filter
With mongoose schema
const OrderSchema = new Schema({ shop_id : { type : Number }, id : { type : Number }, customer : { id : { type : Number }, name : { type : String }, phone : { type : String }, }, line_items : [{ id : { type : Number }, barcode : { type : String }, quantity : { type : Number } }], created_at : { type : Date }, updated_at : { type : Date }, status : { type : String }, private_field : { type : Number }, order_number : { type : String }, location_id : { type : Number }, is_deleted : { type : Boolean } });
You can create a parser
const { Parser } = require('x-query-parser'); const parse = Parser({ schema : OrderSchema, required : ['shop_id'], blackList : ['private_field'], whiteList : [], alias : { barcode : 'line_items.barcode' }, defaults : { page : 1, limit : 20, sort : 'created_at_asc', filter : { is_deleted : false } }, deniedValues : ['', null, undefined], custom : { keyword : (value) => { return { $or : [ { 'order_number' : new RegExp(value, 'gi') }, { '' : new RegExp(value, 'gi') } ]}} } });
That parse query object to mongoose filter
it ('should parse query to mongoose filter successfully', () => { let query = { 'shop_id' : '100000001', 'created_at_gte' : '2019-04-01T03:15:00.000Z', 'created_at_lte' : '2019-04-30T03:15:00.000Z', 'updated_at_from_date' : '2019-04-01T03:15:00.000Z', 'updated_at_to_date' : '2019-04-30T03:15:00.000Z', '' : '', 'customer.name_like' : 'hoang', 'barcode' : 'HEO', 'status_in' : 'NEW,ASSIGN_EMPLOYEE', 'location_id_in' : '1000,2000', 'keyword' : '0969728159', // pagination 'page' : '2', 'limit' : '20', 'sort' : 'created_at_asc,id_desc', 'fields' : 'id,line_items,-customer', }; let { errors, page, filter, fields, skip, limit, sort } = parse(query); let expectedFilter = { 'shop_id' : 100000001, 'created_at' : { $gte : '2019-04-01T03:15:00.000Z', $lte : '2019-04-30T03:15:00.000Z' }, 'updated_at' : { $gte : new Date(new Date('2019-04-01T03:15:00.000Z').setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)), $lte : new Date(new Date('2019-04-30T03:15:00.000Z').setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)) }, '' : new RegExp('hoang', 'gi'), 'line_items.barcode' : 'HEO', 'status' : { $in : ['NEW', 'ASSIGN_EMPLOYEE'] }, 'location_id' : { $in : [1000, 2000] }, '$or' : [ { 'order_number' : new RegExp('0969728159', 'gi') }, { '' : new RegExp('0969728159', 'gi') } ], 'is_deleted' : false }; assert.equal(errors, null); assert.deepEqual(filter, expectedFilter); assert.deepEqual(fields, { id : 1, line_items : 1, customer : -1, private_field : -1 }); assert.equal(page, 2); assert.equal(skip, 20); assert.equal(limit, 20); assert.deepEqual(sort, { created_at : 1, id : -1 }); });
And prevent wrong query
it ('should parse query to mongoose filter fail when mis required field and use wrong operator', () => { let query = { 'customer.name_gte' : 'hoang', 'private_field_gt' : '10', 'unknown_field_lt' : '0' }; let { errors, filter } = parse(query); let expectedErrors = [ { code : 'ERR_WRONG_OPERATOR', field : '', type : 'string', operator : 'gte', message : `Can't use operator gte on has type string` }, { code : 'ERR_UNAVAILABLE_FIELD', field : 'private_field', message : `Can't search on field private_field` }, { code : 'ERR_INVALID_FIELD', field : 'unknown_field', message : `Invalid field unknown_field` }, { code : 'ERR_REQUIRED', field : 'shop_id', message : 'shop_id is required' } ]; assert.deepEqual(errors, expectedErrors); });
Support permission on operators : equal, ne, in, nin
it ('should return not permission error with operator equal', () => { let query = { shop_id : 1000001, location_id : '2000', }; let { errors, filter } = parse(query, { permission : { location_id : [1000, 3000], } }); assert.deepEqual(errors, [{ code : 'ERR_NOT_PERMISSION', field : 'location_id', value : 2000, message : `Can't see item has location_id = 2000` }]); });
it ('should return not permission error with operator in', () => { let query = { shop_id : 1000001, location_id_in : '1000,2000', }; let { errors, filter } = parse(query, { permission : { location_id : [1000, 3000], } }); assert.deepEqual(errors, [{ code : 'ERR_NOT_PERMISSION', field : 'location_id', value : 2000, message : `Can't see item has location_id = 2000` }]); });
it ('should auto assign field has permission to filter that not exists in query', () => { let query = { shop_id : 1000001 }; let { errors, filter } = parse(query, { permission : { location_id : [1000, 3000], } }); assert.deepEqual(filter, { shop_id : 1000001, location_id : { $in : [1000, 3000] }, is_deleted : false }); });
Full API documents is coming soon ...
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