

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xSpfSalesChart from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-spf-sales-chart';


Deperecated Repository

important: This repository is no longer maintained and will not receive any future updates. ant-design/pro-table will migrate to ant-design/pro-components repository,visit https://procomponent.ant.design/table to know more. This will not affect your continued use of the @ant-design/pro-table package.



🏆 Use Ant Design Table like a Pro!




pro-table is encapsulated in an antd table, supports some presets, and encapsulates some behavior. Only apis different from antd table are listed here.


Property Description Type Default Value
request a method to get the dataSource. (params?: {pageSize: number;current: number;[key: string]: any;}) => Promise<RequestData<T>> -
postData Do some processing on the data obtained through the url. (data: T[]) => T[] -
defaultData Default data array. T[] -
actionRef Triggered after the table data is successfully initialized, it will be triggered multiple times. React.MutableRefObject<ActionType> \| ((actionRef: ActionType) => void) []
toolBarRender Render toolbar, support for returning a dom array, will automatically increase margin-right. (action: UseFetchDataAction<RequestData<T>>) => React.ReactNode[] -
onLoad Triggered after the data is loaded, it will be triggered multiple times. (dataSource: T[]) => void -
onRequestError Triggered when fetching data failed (e: Error) => void -
tableClassName The className of the packaged table string -
tableStyle The style of the packaged table CSSProperties -
headerTitle The title on left-top React.ReactNode -
options table's default operation, set to false to close it {{ fullScreen: boolean \| function, reload: boolean \| function,setting: true }} {{ fullScreen: true, reload:true,setting: true }}
search Whether to search the form. It can also be a query form config when passing an object. boolean \| { span?: number \| DefaultColConfig,searchText?: string, resetText?: string, collapseRender?: (collapsed: boolean) => React.ReactNode, collapsed:boolean, onCollapse: (collapsed:boolean)=> void } true
dateFormatter formatting moment type "string" \| "number" \| false string
beforeSearchSubmit Make some changes before searching (params:T)=>T -
onSizeChange table size changes (size: 'default' | 'middle' | 'small' | undefined) => void -
columnsStateMap columns status {[key: string]: { show:boolean, fixed: "right"|"left"} } -
onColumnsStateChange columns status changed (props: {[key: string]: { show:boolean, fixed: "right"|"left"} }) => void -
form search From config type="form" and search form's Form config ,the config data like antd Form Omit<FormProps, 'form'> -


Property Description Type Default Value
renderText Similar to table render, but must return string, if you just want to convert the enumeration, you can use this scheme (text: any,record: T,index: number,action: UseFetchDataAction<RequestData<T>>) => string -
render Like table's render, the first argument becomes dom, and the fourth argument is added. (text: React.ReactNode,record: T,index: number,action: UseFetchDataAction<RequestData<T>>) => React.ReactNode \| React.ReactNode[] -
renderFormItem input component for rendering query form (item, props: {value, onChange}) => React.ReactNode -
ellipsis Whether to automatically abbreviate boolean -
copyable Whether to support replication boolean -
valueEnum The enumeration of values will automatically convert the value as a key to get the content to be displayed {[key: string]: React.ReactNode} -
valueType Type of value 'money' \| 'option' \| 'date' \| 'dateTime' \| 'time' \| 'text'\| 'index' \| 'indexBorder' 'text'
hideInSearch Do not show this in the query form boolean -
filters Filter menu config,when the value is true, it is generated automatically using valueEnum boolean \| object[] false
hideInTable Do not show this column in Table boolean -
formItemProps Props passed into query form item { [prop: string]: any } -


Sometimes we need to trigger the reload of the table and other actions, and actions can help us do this.

interface ActionType {
  reload: () => void;
  fetchMore: () => void;
  reset: () => void;

const ref = useRef<ActionType>();

<ProTable actionRef={ref} />;

// Load more

// 加载更多

// Reset to reset value

// clear selected


Type Description Examples
money Conversion value is amount ¥ 10,000.26
date Date 2019-11-16
dateTime Date and Time 2019-11-16 12:50:00
time time 12:50:00
option The operation item will automatically increase the marginRight. Only one array is supported, and it will be automatically ignored in the form.
text Default value, no processing -
textarea Same as text, form will be converted to textarea component when converting -
index serial number -
indexBorder ordinal column with border -
progress progress bar -
digit Simple digit, which will be converted to inputNumber when form is converted -
progress progress bar -


interface IValueEnum {
  [key: string]:
    | React.ReactNode
    | {
        text: React.ReactNode;
        status: 'Success' | 'Error' | 'Processing' | 'Warning' | 'Default';


npm install @ant-design/pro-table
# or
yarn add @ant-design/pro-table
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ProTable, { ProColumns } from '@ant-design/pro-table';
import { Input, Button } from 'antd';

const columns: ProColumns[] = [
    title: 'Name',
    dataIndex: 'name',
    copyable: true,
    title: 'Age',
    dataIndex: 'age',
    title: 'date',
    dataIndex: 'date',
    valueType: 'date',
    title: 'option',
    valueType: 'option',
    dataIndex: 'id',
    render: (text, row, index, action) => [
        onClick={() => {
        onClick={() => {

export default () => {
  const [keywords, setKeywords] = useState('');
  return (
    <ProTable<{}, { keywords: string }>
      request={() => ({
        data: [
            name: 'Jack',
            age: 12,
            date: '2020-01-02',
        success: true,
      params={{ keywords }}
      toolBarRender={(action) => [
            width: 200,
          onSearch={(value) => setKeywords(value)}
        defaultCurrent: 10,