
setTimeout() with native promises

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xTime from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-time';



setTimeout() with native promises

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bitHound Code bitHound Overall Score bitHound Dependencies bitHound Dev Dependencies License: MIT


npm install x-time --save


const xTime = require('x-time')

xTime(1000, 'one').then(value => {
  console.log(`waited ${value} second`)

You can also await the x-time promise:

await xTime(1000)

Import in Typescript

The default import syntax of TypeScript does not work with this module because it exports a function directly. You need to use the following syntax in order to get completions:

import xTime = require('x-time')

Function: xTime(time[, value])

  • time <Number> duration of timeout in ms
  • value <any> value to resolve the promise with

Returns a promise that gets resolved to the value when the time has passed.