
XBMC EventServer API Client using UDP sockets

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xbmcEventClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xbmc-event-client';


Node.JS XBMCEventClient

XBMC EventServer API Client using UDP sockets



var XBMCEventClient = require('xbmc-event-client').XBMCEventClient;
var xbmc = new XBMCEventClient('node.js app');

xbmc.connect(function(errors, bytes) {
  if (errors.length)
    throw errors[0];

  xbmc.notification('Title', 'Hello from node!');
  xbmc.log('this will show up in xbmc.log');

  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 1000);


var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var xec = require('xbmc-event-client');

var opts = {
  log: true,
  icontype: xec.ICON_PNG,
  iconbuffer: fs.readFileSync('./node.png'),
  host: '',
  port: 9777

var xbmc = new xec.XBMCEventClient(name, opts);

xbmc.connect(function(errors, bytes) {
  if (errors.length)
    throw errors[0];

  xbmc.notification(title, message, function(errors, bytes) {
    if (errors.length)
      throw errors[0];



Use the high-level XBMCEventClient API for easy XBMC communication

new XBMCEventClient(name, opts={})

Create a new XBMCEventClient object.

  • name: used to identify the client to XBMC, sent in the HELO packet
  • opts [optional]
    • opts.host: XBMC host to connect to, defaults to localhost
    • opts.port: XBMC port to connect to, defaults to 9777
    • opts.log: log sent packet notifications to stderr, defaults to false
    • opts.iconbuffer: optional buffer of icon data to send for notificationss
    • opts.icontype: optional icon type if opts.iconbuffer is supplied, see constants.js for possible values

All functions below take a callback function as their last argument. The callback will be fired when all UDP packets have been sent to the server, and will be passed 2 arguments.

function(errors, bytes) {}

The firest argument is an array of new Error objects (if any errors happened), and the second is an array of the bytes sent to the server. Checking the length of errors is sufficient for determining if an error occurred when sending the packet(s).

xbmc.connect(cb=function() {})

Connect to XBMC by sending a HELO packet

  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.ping(cb=function() {})

Keep the "connection" alive by sending a PING packet. Note that a conncection is considered idle after 60 seconds of inactivity, so consider adding an interval to continually ping the server.

setInterval(xbmc.ping.bind(xbmc), 55 * 1000);
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.log(message, loglevel=xec.LOGDEBUG, cb=function() {})

Log a message on XBMC to xbmc.log

  • message: the message to log on the server
  • loglevel: [optional] the log level to use, see constants.js for possible values
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.notification(title, message, icontype=undefined, iconbuffer=undefined, cb=function() {})

Send an OSD notification to XBMC

  • title: title of the notification
  • message: message in the notification
  • icontype: [optional] icon type if iconbuffer is supplied, see constants.js for possible values
  • iconbuffer: [optional] buffer of icon data to send for notificationss
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

If icontype and iconbuffer were given in the constructor, they will be used automatically for this function.

xbmc.mouse(x, y, cb=function() {})

Set the mouse position to the given X and Y positions

  • x: mouse X position, 0 <= x <= 65535
  • y: mouse Y position, 0 <= y <= 65535
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.keyPress(name, cb=function() {})

Trigger a single key press event using the keyboard keymap

  • name: keyname name, like enter, up, escape, etc.
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.keyDown(name, cb=function() {})

Set the state of a key to down

  • name: keyname name, like enter, up, escape, etc.
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.keyUp(name, cb=function() {})

Set the state of a key to up

  • name: keyname name, like enter, up, escape, etc.
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.remotePress(name, cb=function() {})

Trigger a single remote press event using the remote keymap

  • name: keyname name, like play, menu, left, etc.
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.remoteDown(name, cb=function() {})

Set the state of a remote key to down

  • name: keyname name, like play, menu, left, etc.
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.remoteUp(name, cb=function() {})

Set the state of a remote key to up

  • name: keyname name, like play, menu, left, etc.
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.buttonPress(map, button, cb=function() {})

Trigger a single press event for the button found in keymap map

  • map: keymap file
  • button: button name
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.buttonDown(map, button, cb=function() {})

Set the state for the button found in keymap map to down

  • map: keymap file
  • button: button name
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.buttonUp(map, button, cb=function() {})

Set the state for the button found in keymap map to up

  • map: keymap file
  • button: button name
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.releaseAll(cb=function() {})

Release all buttons pressed (set the state of all buttons to up)

  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.buttonState(state, cb=function() {})

Set button state

  • state:
    • state.map: [string] keymap to use, defaults to undefined
    • state.button: [string] button name if state.map is set, defaults to undefined
    • state.code: [int] button code, defaults to undefined
    • state.down: [boolean] the button is pushed down, defaults to true
    • state.queue: [boolean] queue is specified, defaults to false
    • state.repeat: [boolean] the button should repeat, defaults to true
    • state.amount: [int] amount button is pushed, 0 <= amount <= 65535, defaults to undefined
    • state.axis: [int] number of axis, defaults to 0
  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.disconnect(cb=function() {})

Send a BYE packet to the server and close the underlying UDP socket

  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

xbmc.send(packet, cb=function() {})

Internal function used for sending a new Packet() object to XBMC

  • cb: [optional] callback function to fire when all packets are sent

Low Level API

Also exposed in this module is the generic Packet class, as well as the specific subclasses like PacketHELO, PacketBUTTON, PacketPING, etc. classes.

For more information on these classes and how to use them see the lib/ directory


npm install xbmc-event-client


Run npm test to run the tests, using environmental variables to account for your environment, ex.

$ XBMC_HOST= npm test
