Raspberry Pi XCarve Server
A Node.js Raspberry Pi server for controlling a XCarve from a remote machine using Easel.
For detailed install instructions, please visit the tutorial on the Adafruit Learning System.
Connecting to a Headless Raspberry Pi
If you would like to connect to a headless Raspberry Pi for setting up WiFi access, you can use the Adafruit Raspberry Pi Finder app to find and connect to your Raspberry Pi.
Make sure you have the latest 4.x version of Node.js installed on your Raspberry Pi. You can install it using the NodeSource installer.
pi@xcarve ~ $ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
pi@xcarve ~ $ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
pi@xcarve ~ $ node -v
Make sure the global node_modules
folder on your Raspberry Pi is writable by the pi
user by running the following commands.
pi@xcarve:~ $ mkdir ~/.npm-global
pi@xcarve:~ $ npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
pi@xcarve:~ $ echo "export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
pi@xcarve:~ $ source ~/.bashrc
Install xcarve-server
& pm2
on your Raspberry Pi.
pi@xcarve ~ $ npm install -g xcarve-server pm2
Starting the Server
If everything has been installed, you can start the service by running the following command:
pi@xcarve ~ $ xcarve-server start
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starting service on port 1338...
Starting the Server on Boot
Run the following command to enable pm2
startup on boot.
pi@xcarve:~ $ sudo pm2 startup systemd
Tell pm2
to save the current xcarve-server
process. This will enable xcarve-server
on boot.
pi@xcarve:~ $ pm2 save
Stopping the Server
pi@xcarve ~ $ xcarve-server stop
stopping service...
Some of the code included in the lib/
folder of this repo was extracted from
v0.2.7 of the Easel local OS X installer.
All other code is Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Adafruit Industries. Licensed under the MIT license.
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!