
node.js api for Xcomfort smart home controller

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xcomfortShcApiRemote from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xcomfort-shc-api-remote';



Travis Codecov

Node.js api for the Xcomfort smart home controller(SHC) made by Eaton. It has no affiliation with Eaton, and is used at your own risk.

The module can be used to interface Xcomfort to other systems, create custom logic, or just for fun!


You need to own a smart home controller(CHCA-00/01) and it needs to be available on your network.


npm install xcomfort-shc-api


For more details on usage see https://oanylund.github.io/xcomfort-shc-api and the API reference.

const Xcomfort = require('xcomfort-shc-api');

const xapi = new Xcomfort({
  baseUrl: '', // The url to reach the SHC on your network
  username: 'user', // The username to login to the system
  password: '1234' // The password for that user
  autoSetup: true // Defaults to true.

xapi.on('ready', () => {
  xapi.setDimState('kitchen light', 20)
    .then((status) => {
      if(status) {
        console.log('Kitchen light set to 20%');