
Package that extracts the usefull information from a XDS.b XML document and creates a json with this information

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xdsExtractor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xds-extractor';


XDS Extractor

This package returns a json object with usefull information gathered from a XDS.b Repository response.

How to Use

simply import extract from xdsextractor in your code and call it in your code, as presented in the following block:

import extract from 'xdsextrator';
const info_json = extract(Repository_Response, template_id)

With this code, info_json will contain a structured json containing meaningful information of the requested repository document.


Parameter description obligatory
Repository_Response The returned response from your XDS.b Query, with or without the XOP request with boundaries :heavy_check_mark:
template_id The Document's template_id parameter Value of the requested repository document :heavy_check_mark: