
A wallet for documents and tokens

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xdvplatformWallet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xdvplatform-wallet';


XDV Platform Wallet

npm i xdvplatform-wallet



  • Supports for JWT, DID, JWE, XmlDsig, CMS (X509)
  • Algorithms included: secp256k1, secp256r1, ed25519, rsa and upcoming bls
  • Keystore, HD Key, DER, JWK and PEM support out of the box
  • Support for output to LD Crypto Suite key pairs for ecdsa and ed25519
  • More features planned like bls and schnorr for multi sig scenarios



A wallet instance is always required to start working with Wallet API. You configure RxJS subjects to handle password management between UI subscriber and Wallet API.

Creating a wallet with createWallet

    const wallet = new Wallet();
    this.wallet.onRequestPassphraseSubscriber.subscribe(async (i) => {
      this.canUnlock = true;
      this.loading = true;
      if (i.type === 'wallet') {
        this.passphraseSubject.subscribe((passphrase) =>
          this.wallet.onRequestPassphraseWallet.next({ type: 'ui', passphrase })
      } else {
        this.canUnlock = false;
        this.loading = false;

    let { id } = await wallet.createWallet(this.password, null, mnemonic);

Unlocking using open

Now with that id, be sure to save it somewhere, you always query the Wallet API DB to open the wallet. It will ask you for your password if you configure the RxJS Subscribers as defined in the previous step.

 await this.wallet.open(id);


Creates a new mnemonic

     const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
     const selectedWallet = await Wallet.createHDWallet({ mnemonic, password: '123password' });


Creates a new child HD Wallet

      const child1 = wallet.deriveChild(1, `m/44'/60'/0'/0`);
      const child2 = wallet.deriveChild(2, `m/44'/60'/0'/0`);
      const child3 = wallet.deriveChild(3, `m/44'/60'/0'/0`);


Creates a new child HD Wallet

      const child1 = wallet.deriveFromPath(`m/44'/60'/0'/0/1`);
      const child2 = wallet.deriveFromPath(`m/44'/60'/0'/0/2`);
      const child3 = wallet.deriveFromPath(`m/44'/60'/0'/0/3`);


Creates a new Ed25519 curve

    const kp = await wallet.getEd25519();


Creates a new P256/secp256r1 curve

    const kp = await wallet.getP256();


Creates a new secp256k1 curve

    const kp = await wallet.getES256k();


Creates a new RSA key pair. This key pair is not generated from HD Wallet seed.

    const kp = await wallet.getRSA256Standalone();


Creates a new BLS key pair. Returns an object.

    const kp = wallet.getBlsMasterKey();
    const deriveValidatorKey1 = await kp.deriveValidatorKeys(1);


Handles key pair convertion from / to PEM, DER or JWK. Some algorithm also returns JSON-LD compatible exports.


Converts a RSA key pair. Available exports: JWK, PEM and LD.

  const key = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();
        const issuer: X509Info = {
          stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
          organizationName: 'RM',
          organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
          commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
          countryName: 'Panama',
          localityName: 'Panama'
        const { jwk, pem } = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(key);
        const jwt = await JWTService.sign(pem, {
          testing: 'testing'
        }, {
          iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
          iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
          sub: 'document',
          aud: 'receptor',
          nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Converts a P256 key pair. Available exports: JWK, DER, PEM and LD.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const key = wallet.getP256();

    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getP256(key)).pem;
    const jwt = await JWTService.sign(pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Converts a ES256K key pair. Available exports: JWK, DER, PEM and LD.

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getES256K(wallet.getES256K())).pem;


Converts a RSA key pair. Available exports: JWK and PEM as pemAsPrivate and pemAsPublic.

   const key = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();
    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getRSA(key)).pemAsPrivate;


Converts a Ed25519 key pair. Available exports: DER and PEM.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const key = wallet.getEd25519();

    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getEd25519(key)).pem;
    const jwt = await JWTService.sign(pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Creates a Linked Data suite json format from a LD Suite export.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);

    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // Create LD Crypto Suite - p256 / Sepc256r1
    const ldCrypto = await KeyConvert
        .createLinkedDataJsonFormat(LDCryptoTypes.Sepc256r1, kpJwk.ldSuite);

    // Create IPFS key storage lock
    const session = await xdvMethod.createIpldSession(kpJwk.pem);

    // Create DID document with an did-ipid based issuer
    const did = await DIDDocumentBuilder
        issuer: session.key,
        verificationKeys: [ldCrypto.toPublicKey()],
        authenticationKeys: [ldCrypto.toAuthorizationKey()]

    // Signing
    const signed = await  JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Signs and verifies JWT.


Decodes a JWT

    // Sign as JWT
    let signed = await JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),

    // Decoded
    const decoded = await JWTService.decodeWithSignature(signed);


Signs a JWT

    // Unlock wallet
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);

    // Create key
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // Create LD Crypto Suite - p256 / Sepc256r1
    const ldCrypto = await KeyConvert
        .createLinkedDataJsonFormat(LDCryptoTypes.Sepc256r1, kpJwk.ldSuite);

    // Create DID id from PEM keypair and store it variable  
    const session = await xdvMethod.createIpldSession(kpJwk.pem);

    // Set DID
    localStorage['recentlyStoreDID'] = session.key;

    // Create DID document with an did-ipid based issuer
    let did = await DIDDocumentBuilder
        issuer: session.key,
        verificationKeys: [ldCrypto.toPublicKey()],
        authenticationKeys: [ldCrypto.toAuthorizationKey()]

    // Sign as JWT
    let signed = await JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Verifies a JWT

    // get document with a CID and DID
    const resolver = await xdvMethod.getResolver(localStorage['recentlyStoreCID']);
    const doc = await resolver.xdv(localStorage['recentlyStoreDID']);

    // unlock wallet
    let wallet = await Wallet.unlock(localStorage['ks'], localStorage['ps']);

    // create new key pairs
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // decrypt
    const obj = await JOSEService.decrypt(kpJwk.jwk, doc.encrypted);
    const verified = await JWTService.verify(kpJwk.pem,(<Buffer> obj.plaintext).toString('utf8'), 'receptor');


Encrypts and decrypts JWT.


Encrypts a string or buffer payload

    // Unlock wallet
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);

    // Create key
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // Create LD Crypto Suite - p256 / Sepc256r1
    const ldCrypto = await KeyConvert
        .createLinkedDataJsonFormat(LDCryptoTypes.Sepc256r1, kpJwk.ldSuite);

    // Create DID id from PEM keypair and store it variable  
    const session = await xdvMethod.createIpldSession(kpJwk.pem);

    // Set DID
    localStorage['recentlyStoreDID'] = session.key;

    // Create DID document with an did-ipid based issuer
    let did = await DIDDocumentBuilder
        issuer: session.key,
        verificationKeys: [ldCrypto.toPublicKey()],
        authenticationKeys: [ldCrypto.toAuthorizationKey()]

    // Sign as JWT
    let signed = await JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),

    // Encrypt JWT
    const encrypted = await JOSEService.encrypt(kpJwk.jwk, signed);


Decrypts a cipher

    // get document with a CID and DID
    const resolver = await xdvMethod.getResolver(localStorage['recentlyStoreCID']);
    const doc = await resolver.xdv(localStorage['recentlyStoreDID']);

    // unlock wallet
    let wallet = await Wallet.unlock(localStorage['ks'], localStorage['ps']);

    // create new key pairs
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // decrypt
    const obj = await JOSEService.decrypt(kpJwk.jwk, doc.encrypted);
    const verified = await JWTService.verify(kpJwk.pem,(<Buffer> obj.plaintext).toString('utf8'), 'receptor');



Creates a self sign certificate from a RSA key pair

    const issuer: X509Info = {
        stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
        organizationName: 'RM',
        organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
        commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
        countryName: 'Panama',
        localityName: 'Panama'
    const rsaKey = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();

    const rsaKeyExports = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(rsaKey);
    const selfSignedCert = X509.createSelfSignedCertificateFromRSA(
      rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, rsaKeyExports.pemAsPublic, issuer);
    const signedDocuments = await XmlDsig.signFEDocument(rsaKeyExports.pem, selfSignedCert, latestFEDocument);

XmlDsig (FE specific)

Signs FE XML Documents


Signs a Factura Electronica de Panama document

    const issuer: X509Info = {
        stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
        organizationName: 'RM',
        organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
        commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
        countryName: 'Panama',
        localityName: 'Panama'
    const rsaKey = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();

    const rsaKeyExports = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(rsaKey);
    const selfSignedCert = X509.createSelfSignedCertificateFromRSA(
      rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, rsaKeyExports.pemAsPublic, issuer);
    const signedDocuments = await XmlDsig.signFEDocument(rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, selfSignedCert, latestFEDocument);


Signs CMS Documents


Signs a CMS document

    const issuer: X509Info = {
        stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
        organizationName: 'RM',
        organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
        commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
        countryName: 'Panama',
        localityName: 'Panama'
    const rsaKey = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();

    const rsaKeyExports = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(rsaKey);
    const selfSignedCert = X509.createSelfSignedCertificateFromRSA(
      rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, rsaKeyExports.pemAsPublic, issuer);
    const res = CMSSigner.sign(selfSignedCert,
        fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/cms.pdf'));


  • Supports for basic DID JSON schemas
  • DID JWT signing and validation using xdvplatform-tools/crypto API
  • Includes did-method-xdv with resolver



Creates a new random HD Wallet

  const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet({ password: 'password123' });


  • Includes most of the API specifications for Factura Electronica DGI Panama up to September 2018 specification
  • Planned features: CUFE generation and QR generation


  • Digito Verificador for RUC Natural Person based on algorithm from Registro Publico de Panama.
  • Client that calls a read only function in a Solidity smart contract
        const nodeUrl = '...node url';
        const isMainnet = true;
        const account = '...your ethereum accpunt';

        const dv = new DV(account, nodeUrl, isMainnet);
        // initialize contracts
        await dv.initialize();
        // call calculate
        // input is 
        // { type, segments 1 to  4}
        // For more information, visit https://dv.auth2factor.com
        const resp = await dv.calculate(CedulaInputTypes.N,
            [0, 8],
            [0, 0],
            [7, 1, 3],
            [2, 2, 3]);


@molekilla, Rogelio Morrell C. Copyright 2020-2021

MIT License