
File system module for Xecio.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xecioFs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xecio-fs';



File system module for Xecio.


  • Support for both Promise and callback interface.
  • Use graceful-fs to avoid EMFILE error and various improvements.
  • Use chokidar for consistent file watching.


$ npm install xecio-fs --save


var fs = require('xecio-fs');

Some methods in the original fs module are not listed below, but they're available in xecio-fs.

exists(path, [callback])

Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system.


Synchronous version of fs.exists.

mkdirs(path, [callback])

Creates a directory and its parent directories if they does not exist.


Synchronous version of fs.mkdirs.

writeFile(path, data, [options], [callback])

Writes data to a file.

Option Description Default
encoding File encoding utf8
mode Mode 438 (0666 in octal)
flag Flag w

writeFileSync(path, data, [options])

Synchronous version of fs.writeFile.

appendFile(path, data, [options], [callback])

Appends data to a file.

Option Description Default
encoding File encoding utf8
mode Mode 438 (0666 in octal)
flag Flag w

appendFileSync(path, data, [options])

Synchronous version of fs.appendFile.

copyFile(src, dest, [callback])

Copies a file from src to dest.

copyDir(src, dest, [options], [callback])

Copies a directory from src to dest. It returns an array of copied files.

Option Description Default
ignoreHidden Ignore hidden files true
ignorePattern Ignore files which pass the regular expression

listDir(path, [options], [callback])

Lists files in a directory.

Option Description Default
ignoreHidden Ignore hidden files true
ignorePattern Ignore files which pass the regular expression

listDirSync(path, [options])

Synchronous version of fs.listDir.

readFile(path, [options], [callback])

Reads the entire contents of a file.

Option Description Default
encoding File encoding utf8
flag Flag r
escape Escape UTF BOM and line ending in the content true

readFileSync(path, [options])

Synchronous version of fs.readFile.

emptyDir(path, [options], [callback])

Deletes all files in a directory. It returns an array of deleted files.

Option Description Default
ignoreHidden Ignore hidden files true
ignorePattern Ignore files which pass the regular expression
exclude Ignore files in the array

emptyDirSync(path, [options])

Synchronous version of fs.emptyDir.

rmdir(path, [callback])

Removes a directory and all files in it.


Synchronous version of fs.rmdir.

watch(path, [options], [callback])

Watches changes of a file or a directory.

See Chokidar API for more info.

ensurePath(path, [callback])

Ensures the given path is available to use or appends a number to the path.


Synchronous version of fs.ensurePath.

ensureWriteStream(path, [options], [callback])

Creates the parent directories if they does not exist and returns a writable stream.

ensureWriteStream(path, [options])

Synchronous version of fs.ensureWriteStream.
