A HTML template component compiler, dev server and more!Example
<template id="Text">
<p class="@class">$children</p>
<Text class="blue">Hello World<Text>
To use Xemplate, we need to install it globally:
npm install xemplate -g
Then to use xemplate we just use the xem
xem dev <files>
xem build <files>
Building (TypeScript)
To modify or add additional features, clone the repo
Then install all dependencies
npm install
And finally, to start the development server
npm run dev
To build the project (out within /build):
npm run build
Xemplate by default is a plugin supported CLI. It also forces cache on all HTML Abstract Syntax Tree's (AST) by default, and if any plugin supports it.
Currently Xemplate includes these plugins:
- Components: Templating components
- All template ID must start with a capital letter
- You can not have multiple of the same name in a single file
<template id="Whatever">
- Imports: Import components from other files
- Importing changes the component syntax by added the as attribute, which specifies where that component came from.
- Both attributes are required as shown below
<import src="file.html" as="Library" />
- HMR: Hot Module Reloading
- Web Server for development, with default port of 7500 (WebSocket at 7501)
- Replaces HTML document on save
- Supports multiple file editing
Make a pull request, add/modify a feature, pretty simple
ImportProgram |
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Mulitline comments break the compiler!
- Yeah this can happen, as currently html-parse-stringify2 doesn't support this, so a fork in the future may happen
The TypeScript sucks!
- This is my first project using typescript, so its not perfect. If you want to help fix my inexperience please make a pull request!
Why are files being read sync, and not async?
- Because of the order which parsing, running plugins and etc was being annoying. This doesn't affect performance.
- MIT license
- Copyright 2020 © ImportProgram (Brendann Fuller).