
XFor TextField React Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xforTextField from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xfor-text-field';



XForTextField React Component


Demo app with implemented component

Demo screenshot


npm install --save xfor-text-field

Peer dependencies:

  • react: ^16.8.6"
  • react-dom: ^16.8.6"
  • styled-components: ^4.3.2


XFor TextField component is designed for projects using styled-components.

Styles of this component expect box-sizing: border-box; set globally for all nodes and base font size set to 10px:

html {
  font-size: 10px;
  box-sizing: border-box;

*::after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

body {
  font-size: 100%;

You can style this component by specifing some props in your theme (props shown here are the default ones):

const theme = {
  // ...your other theme definitions

  xfor: {
    // namespace for XFor components
    textField: {
      // styles for TextField component
      height: 40, // in pixels
      fontColor: '#000000',
      borderColor: '#d8d8d8',
      borderErroredColor: 'red',
      bgColor: '#FFFFFF',
      bgDisabledColor: '#ececec',
      bgErroredColor: '#ffd9d9',
      fontDisabledColor: '#9a9a9a',
      labelColor: '#9c9c9c',

XFor TextField component dumb as much as possible, though, you need to wrap it in a class to manage its state. Check the example app here.

List of props you can pass to the component:

type TextFieldProps = {
   * Value of the input
  value: string;

   * Is input focused
  isFocused: boolean;

   * Error messages to be shown (isTouch has to be set to true to display errors)
  errorMessage: string;

   * Did input was touched by user (useful for displaying error messages). You don't want to show errors to the field that was not yet touched by user.
  isTouched: boolean;

   * Field label
  label: string;

   * Name of the input
  name: string;

   * Type of the imput: [text, password, email]
  type: TextFieldType;

   * Is input disabled
  disabled: boolean;

   * Callback func that will be called on input change
  onChange: (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;

   * Callback func that will be called on input focus
  onFocus: (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;

   * Callback func that will be called on input blur
  onBlur: (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;


MIT © Michał Wrzosek



This package was bootstrapped with react-component-lib