
xform-js JavaScript linear algebra library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xformJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xform-js';


xform-js JavaScript Linear Algebra Library

Documentation: http://cgrabowski.github.io/xform-js

Example: http://cgrabowski.github.io/xform-js/example/example.html

xform-js is a JavaScript linear algebra library. It supports math used in 3D graphics as well as math with vectors and matrices of any dimensionality.

The Constructors provided by xform-js are:

  • Vector
  • Matrix
  • Quaternion
  • Attitude
  • DimensionError

as well as the general specifying Constructors:

  • Dimensional
  • Dimensions

and the utility functions:

  • arrayIndexedEntriesEqual
  • dimCheck
  • usingNamespace

There are no production dependencies and the development dependencies are uglify-js, which is used for minification, and jsdoc, which is use for building the docs.